Chapter 19: The Plan

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Ok so I know it has been an eternity since my last update and many of my readers may be mad at me for not updating but my life has been extra busy lately,not only that but I've been having major writer's block over these next few chapters and I will probably be ending the story soon. I'm sorry if it seems kinda cheesy or not plotted well but it's still my first story and I've been having ideas for new ones that I want to start on... anyway here is the next chapter hope you enjoy!


Chapter 19: The Plan


Ok so here's the I told Henry the plan of how to get rid of jerk face, I couldn't help but wonder if I was making the right choice?

But before my conscience could get a chance to speak up, Natalie jumped up behind me nearly giving me a heart attack.

"Jeez Natalie, don't you know you're not supposed to sneak up on people?!" I chided her.

"Oh sorry. I forgot?"she said bemused. "Anyway what are you guys talking about?"she asked nonchalantly.

I was about to tell her to mind her own business, even though we became friends that girl has a bigger mouth than a black hole and gossip was her specialty, but then a light bulb went off in my head..I could use her help.

I smiled wickedly at her.

"Hey Nat? I want to let you in on a secret but if I tell you, you must agree to not tell a living soul and you must do one little favor for me, can you do that?"

Her eyes light up like fireworks at the sound of fresh gossip and secrets, as Henry was just looking at the both of us with a confused and worried look on his face.

"Anything at all! You know you can trust me!"

As I told her our plan her face displayed a huge grin and her eyes as big as saucers,as she reveled in all the juicy details of the plan.

When I finally finished talking she looked as giddy as a kid in Christmas morning.

"Finally, I thought you would never do anything about that guy! I mean he is so rude, and creepy, and even I wouldn't stoop that low, I mean he took on a whole new level of stalker." She continued.

"Yeah, well you see Natalie we were planning in doing a little snooping around his cabin, his files, see if we could get him on anything so everyone could enjoy what's left if the summer. But you see we need something or someone to distract him for a while..."

As I trailed off, her face soon turned to a confused frown and then to a look of horror.

"Wait? What?... But you can't be serious Isabelle...I mean you must be out of your mind if you think I'm gonna talk to and distract that weirdo!" She practically screamed at me.

I quickly cover her mouth with my hand and pulled her towards and into our cabin as Henry followed us looking quite shocked at the scene in front of him.

"Listen! Just hear me out alright? Now I'm going to remove my hand and you are going to listen until I am finished, understand?"

She nodded her head as I pulled my hand away from her mouth.

"And I don't really need you to have an actual human conversation with him...I just need you to...flirt uncontrollably with him to a point he becomes so interested in it that he won't even think twice about it." I quickly stated to her.

Natalie's eyes almost seemed to bulge out of her head after I told her that.

"Are you out of your friggin' mind?! Of course you are, you must be absolutely crazy insane if you think I'm about to do that! I would rather choke on my own vomit than even talk to that psychopath let alone flirt with him!" She yelled.

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