Chapter 23: If I Love Her, Should I Let Her Go?

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Hey guys I'm alive. I know, I know I've been MIA for a really long time school has been driving me insane but good news...winter break is coming quickly! So you know what that means more updates no excuses!! I will finish this story before the new year that is a promise! (Btw the video up top is let her go which is sung by Nicole Cross)
🚧⚠️🚨anyway be sure to read the A/N at the end I need feedback and want to know what you guys think especially over my last authors note comments...🚨⚠️🚧

anyway I now present chapter 23!!!!

Chapter 23: If I love her, should I let her go?

Henry POV:

"Henry...I don't think we should do this anymore.." She said.

My heart just fell and was close to breaking. Why would she say something like this? What did I do wrong? Did I spring my feelings onto her too quickly?!

"Isabelle, what are you talking about? What do you mean we can't do this anymore? Are you...are you breaking.. Are you breaking up with me?" I asked with sadness in my voice.

"Henry, I don't want to lose you. But when summer ends what are we going to do?! We both live in different cities a good ways away from each other. We both go to different schools...we would never see each other." she completes sadly.

"We would find a way to make it work! We can have a long distance relationship! We will figure something out, it doesn't have to end between us." I desperately argue.

"Henry, I hate the idea of losing you...but I hate the feeling of not being with you everyday just as much! I have lost so many people in my life already... and maybe it's for the best...we would never see each other, even if we did have a long distance relationship." she mumbles.

Seeing her this sad made me want to just hug here and whisper sweet nothings in her eat until she would smile again, but I knew in this situation she would not want that right now, I would probably make it harder for her.

"Is, I understand where you are coming from with this..."
She lifts her head up, with her eyes already slightly red, looking as if she might cry but is desperately trying to hold back the tears.
"But you see...I just can't afford to lose you either. You are possibly the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life. you always find a way to make me smile and I love all your little quirks that make you so special and different from anyone else I have met to make you seem even more perfect in my eyes."

She almost smiled, but instead a tear fell silently against her cheek.

"I honestly can't imagine my life without you. For one thing it would be quite boring without you and making it seem as if everyday we spent together was the start of a new adventure with you, not to mention I would miss our time we would spend with each other in our simple conversations that I would never get bored with."

She was smiling now with tears freely falling down her face. I leaned over to wipe them away with my thumb and kissed her on her forehead.

"It sometimes scares me how much I love you, I never experienced this feeling with anyone else before...but Isabelle you must know that I will always love you, forever, no matter what."

She was letting the tears fall more now as she embraced me in a tight hug and I enveloped my arms around her as she buried her head in my neck. I stroked her hair as we just stayed there hugging each other with the stars above us.

"I love you too. More than you could ever imagine."

I could barely hear her speak out those words as her voice was quite and full of emotion.
She ten pulled away from me and the warmth that was between us faded away and all I wanted to do was to pull her back and for us to be stuck that way forever never having to leave each other's arms. But nothing good ever lasts long.

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