Chapter 7: New Relations

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Chapter 7: New Relations

After the campfire last night me and Henry walked around and talked about our interests and laughed about different things. He finally walked me back to my cabin at around 11:30 ish though it seemed later.

The next morning started our camp activities but I was not ready to get up.

I had to force myself out of bed to get ready for the long day ahead of me.

After getting dressed in some red converse, white blouse top, and black shorts I was about to go brush my teeth.

Until I saw Natalie still sleeping! I know I should probably be nice to her for once and get her up to be on time.

I tapped on her shoulder"Natalie, wake up?"

She didn't even budge, so in tried tapping her shoulder harder and yelling this time. Only this time she pulled the covers over her head.

"Natalie! It's time to get up or you are gonna make both off us be late for our first day!" I shouted.

"But, I don't wanna!"she whined.

I was trying to be nice to this girl but now she is getting me annoyed was it even worth it?!

"Ok that's it I tried being nice now I will give you one more chance to get up before you will regret it!" I yelled.

She did not move once.

Ok she asked for it! I pulled off all of her covers to where she was shivering and she tried to pull then back with no prevail. Then I snagged her pillow out from under her. She was obviously awake now but did not get out of bed.

"Natalie if you still do not get out of bed I will pour ice cold water all over your head!" I declared.

"You wouldn't dare!" She screamed.

"Try me." Was all I replied.

At that she hoped out of bed and got dressed so fast I still couldn't believe it.

"Thank you, now shall we go eat breakfast now?" I said sarcastically.

"I don't like you right now!"was all she said the whole way to the mess hall.

Gosh if this was going to be the way it was every morning I was not looking forward to it!

Once we made our way to the mess hall, Natalie left to sit with some other girls, I guess she was still mad at me but I didn't really care at that moment I was starving!

I went in line to get some waffles and a banana, and then found an empty table to sit at. Once I sat down I started indulging in my meal, I hadn't had anything to eat except that s'more from last night.

Just then Henry came to sit next to me.

"Hey, good morning." He stated.

"Not really." I said still perturbed by my 'roommate'.

"What's wrong?" Henry asked.

"Nothing it's fine." I replied.

Just then some guys from another table came and stood next to Henry.

"Hey Henry you want to come sit with us?" Said a guy with blond hair and green eyes.

"Dude, can't you see he is talking to someone." Said a guy with light brown hair and blue eyes, as he pointed his eyes towards me.

I saw a slight blush come from Henry's cheeks. I decided to interrupt this soon awkward situation.

"Oh it's ok if you want to go sit with them, I won't get my feelings hurt." I tried to say to ease the awkwardness if the situation.

"No it's fine Isabelle. I'll catch up with you guys later." Henry said to his friends.

How is it he already had so many friends and its only been one day, maybe I wasn't that sociable after all?

After his friends left I could feel people starting to stare at us now.

"You didn't have to do that you know."I told him.

"Yeah I know, I just wanted to sit next to you since I didn't get to on the bus." He said with a smile as he took another bite of his waffle.

The rest of the day passed with me learning about different methods of acting or something like that I didn't really pay that much attention to it.

And the rest of the week seemed to go like that but Henry would always sit next to me and do different camp activities together as we started becoming closer friends each day.

Though I tried to remind myself I couldn't become too attached to him we could only be just friends and that's all, or maybe.. We could be something more?

Henry's POV:

The next morning I woke up with a huge grin on my face after remembering last night. Sure it wasn't that big of a deal but still I got her to open up a little more to me, basically getting her not to scowl at me every time we talked together.

I hurried to get dressed not wanting to be late for the first day of activities and wanting to see if Isabelle was in the mess hall already. I shared a cabin with two other guys who seemed pretty cool. We were able to talk and we all had a ton of things in common with one another so we three became quick friends.

Once I got my breakfast I spotted Isabelle at a table eating alone by herself. She looked so lonely but didn't seem to care. I thought, this would be a perfect chance to sit with her and get her to warm up to me some more because I was really starting to like this girl.
I quickly sat down and noticed that she looked upset and slightly angry. I asked what was wrong and she said it was nothing, but before I could press the issue anymore my cabin mates approached our table.

"Hey Henry you want to come sit with us?" Asked Dylan.

"Dude, can't you see he is talking to someone." Replied Travis while nodding towards Isabelle.

I soon felt my face heat up in embarrassment, she must think I talk about her or something like a creep or something like that.

"Oh it's ok if you want to go sit with them, I won't get my feelings hurt." She tried to say to ease the awkwardness if the situation.

"No it's fine Isabelle. I'll catch up with you guys later." I said to my new friends.

I would have to talk with them later.
We continued to finish our breakfast and had most of our activities together that day but even after that day I would still sit with her at breakfast the rest of that week and we were becoming closer friends I could tell. But somehow I felt like she wasn't completely letting her guard down with me.

And I'm glad that we are getting along better as friends but I was hoping this would soon become something more?
Sorry for another cliffhanger and sorry if this chapter seems a little boring but I got kinda stuck and just went with it!

Anyway keep posting comments and voting! I'm grateful to all of those reading! :)

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