Chapter 24: The End of Summer

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Ladies and gentlemen of all shapes and sizes I now present to you the last and final chapter of my story! It has been an honor writing this to all of you I hope you enjoy it! :)

Chapter 24: The End of Summer

Isabelle's POV:

It was the last day of camp.

Everyone was saying their goodbyes to their new friends, promising to contact each other as school would begin soon and promises made to see each other the following summer.

I was already packed and said my goodbyes to Natalie earlier that morning. She had left earlier that day as her parents picked her up and she promised to text me everyday and to give her updates on my life and how everything would go with Henry.


I had not seen nor spoken to him since that night, and I don't know whether I should be sad or grateful that he has not tried to contact me in any way. I mean I know I said there was no way we could stay together but we could still be friends, perhaps he was just giving me the space he thought I needed.

I tried to keep it from Natalie but she always seemed to find out what was bothering me before I could, and I ended up spilling everything to her the next morning.
She said that we would find some way to work it out between the two of us, since we were meant to be, the universe would bring us back together somehow.

As much as I wanted to believe it, I doubted it would ever happen.

The bus to take most of the campers who lived a much farther distance away, just pulled up into the gravel road.
Everyone's bags were soon packed on the bus as campers started to file in and find themselves a seat for the long journey home.

As soon as I sat down I saw Henry enter the bus looking up only to find an empty seat. His eyes landed in mine for a few brief seconds and then moved back down towards the floor, as he walked pass my seat and moved to sit in the very back of the bus sticking in his headphones and not saying a word to me let alone looking back at me.

As I shifted back around in my seat, I sat there wondering what kind of choice I had just made, and what kind of impact it would have on me the rest of my life.

I wanted to cry, and I didn't even exactly know why, but instead I put in my headphones and hit play on a song from one of my playlists on my phone.
The ride back was uneventful and I slept most of the way back or stared out of the window.

Not once did Henry try to talk to me or look my way, and when it came time for him to leave the bus, right before he stepped down the stairs he turned to look my way, smiled a genuine smile and waved goodbye.

I was happy he at least said bye to me one last time but, at the same time I felt like my heart was about to explode out of my chest in a bloody heartbroken mess.

I was one of the last people to leave and it was close to 5:00 in the evening by the time I was back at my house. School would be starting the following week, but I couldn't even think about school all I could think about was him.
My mother asked me how it went, I told her it went well, I left out all the parts about Logan and Henry I wasn't quite ready to tell her about that stuff yet.

We ate dinner and then I went to bed early but I couldn't sleep, it was driving me crazy that this one boy made such an impact on my life during the summer that it hurts to think about him and how I will really not ever be able to see him again. And how much I will miss the time we spent together at camp.

One week later

It was the first day back at school, my senior year. It had not really been any easier trying to remove Henry from my mind for he continued to be in my thoughts. As I moved towards my locker I saw some familiar faces but I was never popular at school I only had a few friends and no one really knew who I was but I knew them. I also saw some new faces, probably transfer students of some sort, but I didn't really pay attention to them.

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