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"Stop that bill!! " Linda Corbs shouted, "Leave my son alone"
"You dare not talk dolly we both were involved to get that lad" Bill retorted
"He stays with me not you and yes he was a mistake, you just got out from rehab and already you're smoking even teaching the lad"
"You dare not talk or receive the beating of your life"
"No I won't shut up and yes if you beat ne ill call 911)"
"Hokey dokey then" Bill said
In as much as he hated coming home, he hated his wife more. She was so inconsiderate and blamed it on him always. He hated beating her but that was what she needed atimes. Sighing he got his stick out and beat her to blackout.
He remembered marrying her 13 years ago. He was then a "church boy". They had met at youth group, co-led the choir in Hope house church Los Angeles till he met something better than reading the bible which was taking marijuana and gambling. Linda had wept, cried even begged him to stop but Bill was stubborn.
They had only been married 8 and half months when Dave was born. Born to the most spiritual young couple at Hope house he was named David Corbs shortened to Dave. Back then boy he loved Jesus, he would've argued with anyone who told him Jesus was a fairytale although he still wasn't sure of that allegation. He remembered arguing with over 20 gangs including the ever famous Rockers who he now belonged to. In those days, he and Linda cooked up a meal got some meat and a grill and set out to remote areas to spread the gospel, their wonderful voices combined with Dave's which was a combo of both voices had won many souls back then.
13 years later after their wedding, he desired to further his studies and so went to the University of California and that was where he met the Rockers. The rockers were the coolest group on campus and they weren't young men, they were men in their 30's just like him. He had resisted the urge to go out with them many times telling them no but on one night he got so bored he had no Option than to accept their offer. He remembered going a on that outing as one of his evangelism efforts and strategies but as soon as he entered the Rock club things changed. The Rockers immediately blind folded him and pushed some pills down his throat with some scotch. He passed out on a chair and when he awoke 30 minutes later he couldn't tell who he was. His mind was racing and when he was offered Vodka he accepted. He got so high that same night to the point he and the Rockers even went to Vegas where he put all his $3000 on the line at a casino. Of course he lost but after 10 games he mastered the tactics of the game and earned $20000. The casino owner and the person he owed however ganged up and beat him up but after some drinks he forgot that. Gradually he started hanging with the rangers and forgetting his bible. Linda had tried every possible avenue to bring him back to his senses even coming up to Berkeley all to no avail. In fact he thought she would like his new found lifestyle so he took her with him to Rock club one night but he was wrong she began preaching and when everyone was laughing at her he joined and sent her home. Gradually his life became based on Marijuana, Scotch, Brandy and strip clubs and in just 4 months, his trust fund of over $100,000 which he hadn't touched leaving it for his son depleted. He was forced to drop out of school and that was the last step to become a full Rocker.
Linda had hustled real hard to make up the income and keep herself and Dave in LA but she couldn't and that was when she called Bill and told him she was going back to Brooklyn. He got so angry he go extremely high on Marijuana and Cocaine combined then he left the Rockers mansion in downtown Vegas and went Uptown to Gamble. He lost and then started a fight which landed him in Jail. This left Linda more depressed than ever, she borrowed some money from her parents in Chicago, stopped at LA and picked Pastor Lucas then headed to the jailing facility he was kept in. Sadly her attempts at redeeming her husband were frustrated as he lashed out on her and the pastor; he didn't need any Jesus in his life.
From the day he lashed out on Linda and Lucas he didn't see Linda again, he got out of Jail and had gotten in and out 4 more times. The judges in Vegas were tired of seeing him, his own lawyer had resigned. After 4 years he had showed up on Dave's sweet 16. Actually he didn't plan on showing up; he had gambled with some Drug barons like he was in Vegas and had won $1000000. The men had of course written the check but sent a band of assassins after him so to escape he booked a private flight to New York, got Linda tracked down and arrived Linda's house in the middle of a miserly Dinner called a sweet 16 party. As he entered, Dave jumped on him thinking he had come for his birthday. Of course he let them believe it then he did something that shook the life out of Linda after Dave blue the candles wishing for a car. He blindfolded Dave, led him outside and gave him the Mustang he had just bought on arriving NY. Dave looked like the happiest kid in the world. He remained in NY 3 months in which he turned his son into a mini version of himself. First he withdrew Dave from the community school his mom had put him in claiming it was too poor and lacked a 'good academic standard 'and took him to Rock High which had a good academic standard and no moral standard at all- A school where students ruled staff. Next, he introduced Dave to the bottle and the cigarette as well as the pills. Dave had been reluctant at first but gradually he gave in and in 3 months he was a mini-Bill. Linda almost grew mad during this period. How could this be happening to her? What had she done wrong? This evening he decided to take Dave to a different level, so he took the lad to get a tattoo then to a strip club. Linda's shouting was the result of his outing with Dave. Now here he was beating his "wife". If only he could get himself under control ad stop beating her.
"Dad stop!!" Dave pleaded
"No hear me and never let a woman treat you like scrap" Bill Replied as she Linda unconscious.
He took Dave out to the front of the house and promised him $10000 a month in addition to 2 packs of pills, introduced him to who would do the dealings and left. Now Linda had someone to torture her.

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