Chapter 11

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"Life is a movie directed by the ultimate" - Anonymous

Andrea Phillips walked over to her rooms window and stared out. When she was a kid, this was where she would always sit and day dream. She remembered once she had imagined that prince charming landed by her window and took her to never-land where she had actually met Tinker-Bell. Looking back at this she was forced to laugh. Good old times. She needed to go find her journals and have a good laugh at least. She hadn't been laughing this days but thinking. Her 1 week at home had been horrible at first so to say. She had been still seriously angry with her parents for the first 24 hours but after that a chain of events had afforded a change. Her parents had immediately set some ground rules like Devotions every morning and prayer in the evening as well as a forceful 30 minutes family time. She was forced to talk to them but then after 2 days of being angry, alone in her room she had asked the question:

"Why am I actually angry?"

And suddenly memories flooded her. Why was she actually angry, was what her parents did in quote actually a cause for her to truncate her own biography and hurt herself in the long run? She had wrestled with this question that day and then she recalled her one year living alone. Was it more horror or more of a joyride. It suddenly came to her, it was more horror, there was no joyride there. She just spent a year broke, hustling to pay bills, partying to feel better and got pregnant then lost her womb...a very sad paradox to fun. Tears had suddenly filled her eyes and did now again..wasted that's what she was very wasted. What about church? The thought had suddenly hit her. Andrea remembered before she ran. Church had been an everyday thing going to church every Sunday. In fact she had been part of a clique of girls keeping their purity but now here she was. Could she go back to Church? No she didn't think God would want her again, she felt like a used out tire. All her friends were still in church, innocent, calm, peaceful and full but here she oxymoron to them.

When her dad had come in earlier on and asked her if she was going to church, she had declined because of this same feelings. Her mom had then decided to stay with her and then they had inevitably had a talk. Her mom had told her something about christian not being someone perfect but only someone striving for perfection. Her mom had talked her through her living hell of having to confess her affair and explain her moving out to people and suddenly, Andrea saw things from her moms perspective...she had actually being through a lot without even without her hiatus. Her mom had continued on how she couldn't even face her old friends and colleagues forcing her to get a new job but she told her of the peace she found in Jesus...not in church but Jesus. Her mom hadn't been pushy but she had given Andrea enough food for talk. Was there actually redemption...she would have to sought answers for this question.


"Tom, just tell me honestly if I can get out of this" Bill Corbs told Tom Thump his lawyer

It was Tuesday and Bill, Linda and Tom were having a meeting in the County jails visiting room. Before Tom had arrived, Linda and Bill had talked a long while. They were seriously thinking of anyway a case may be waged which would liberate Bill but they had come up with none strong. Now Tom was here and Bill was getting frustrated. He needed to know here and now whether he would eventually be free.

"Bill, Calm down....its gonna be okay" Linda said holding his hands and talking quietly

"Bill...", Tom began "Bill, you know I'll tell you the truth. There's actually only one case I can wage"

"And whats that?" Linda asked

"That Bill only did service to the community by protecting a very lawful contributing citizen from a criminal which eventually led to his arrest"

"But I'm also a criminal...Don't you get it??" Bill asked

"I believe if we wage this case, God's willing you'll get away with 3 months jail time and community service.

"Are you sure about that Tom?"

"Well Mr. Corbs according to your jail record you haven't been involved in any major case so yes and the fact yous till have a healing leg might help"

"So what if we lose?" Linda asked

Bill had been dreading this question. He knew he was jailed now on temporal basis but he didn't know the implication of losing his case

"Then that will be between 50-70 years jail time considering the charges brought"

"What are the charges?" Bill asked

"Possession of heavy fire arms...association to Santiago who was found with plenty drugs and Santiago will testify against you definitely except for a miracle"

Bill looked at Linda a deep kind of look. This wasn't sweetly going at all.

"Okay Tom. Keep me posted" Bill said and with that Tom had left

Alone again Bill looked at Linda

"Linda, sorry for making you go through this. You don't have to do this. I don't deserve it"

"Bill, you saved my life and even if you didn't you're still Dave's father"

They talked a little and she left. You're still Dave's father...those words re-echoed in his mind. Was he? Sure he was. Back in his cell, Bill looked and there sat his Bible. He picked it up and read again. Lately he'd been reading this book again. He found the stories captivating but still he was finding it hard to relate it to an almighty God. If God was real and just then really would he have allowed him wander so long, or let him pollute Dave's mind or let Linda stay 2 days with Santiago?? He had found a bookmarked page with something about all Good working for believers but it didn't make complete sense yet. He was making small sense out of it but not much really. He wished he could remember all he had known 10 years ago when he was a devout christian maybe he wont be having this personal argument with himself but then maybe this argument was necessary to lead him to real truth Bill didn't know. Thinking back on his case, Bill only hoped the almighty God if he really existed will Liberate him from this trouble.

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