Chapter 10

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"Anything that is not eternal is eternally out of date" - C.S. Lewis

Caroline Don stared out the window of the bleary hospital. Dave's life was a miracle she couldn't help but stare and thank God for his miracle. He was alive which no one really expected weeks ago that was a shocker. She hadn't yet been in to see him this morning yet. She had stopped to reflect and the rain started.

She was really thankful for her friendship with Samantha. At first, she seriously wrestled with the idea of befriending Dave's new girlfriend who was secular and dragged him away. That was her initial thinking but overtime God had worked on her heart. In those first encounters, Gerald had noticed her struggling...sweet Gerald he seemed to always know what was up. He had spoken to her about no condemnation and reminded her no one had right to condemn another.

Gradually, as the only girls at the hospital, they had inevitably blended. Caroline first noticed Samantha's interest in the bible. The first day they had seen her, she had been nothing more than a thug still blood-faced but gradually she noticed a softening in Samantha. Then one day, when Gerald and the others didn't come she had come in and met Samantha crying. Samantha had looked up at the sound of feet

"Ummm should I go?" Caroline had asked

"No, come in, I need someone to talk to" Samantha had said slowly

A little cautious and still recovering from her self righteous facade, Caroline slowly took the seat next and uttered a silent prayer to God to help her be an instrument in Samantha's live

"So whats up?" she had asked

"I know you might think more bad of me but here goes" Samantha had started and on and on Samantha told her her life story from her moms rejection to her early exposure to drugs and partying to how she took it as life. She continued on to all her dangerous boyfriends and lifestyle and how she had met Dave and then she went on to how life by the bedside had affected her.

Caroline had wept with her and counseled her about a lot. She saw that Samantha wasn't ready to take the leap yet but she advised her anyways with love. And then Samantha had confided she thought Dave was the first boy she had conceived true feelings for. This one was a huge trial for Caroline. Before coming with Gerald the first time, she had believed she had moved on but now it seemed otherwise and then Caroline was confiding her feelings for him. Caroline had been calm because she believed it was all part of her thug life that she was with Dave but now it seemed otherwise. She didn't know what to say but she managed and gave a weak good answer

"Ummm about that, I'm not sure but whatever will be, will be"

"Really Car, that's great thanks" Samantha had said and excused herself

Left alone with Dave, Caroline had looked up, she first of all thanked God for working a miracle by letting her speak for him then she reflected on their discussion. Suddenly she saw how unfair she had been with her first assessment of Samantha, she had been really jerky but now she knew her better. She resolved to always pray for her. Just when she and Samantha had become besties, Dave awoke and remembered only one of them. When Dave had said Caroline she immediately jumped in joy. To others, it was just the joy of Dave remembering someone but to her if was a bit personal. She could still remember Samantha's facial expression.

Not long after, Samantha had confronted her and they had 'the discussion'. In the days to build-up, Caroline had done some praying and finally let her selfish thoughts go so she and Samantha obviously changed decided to let Dave make his choice and if he couldn't well both move on. She just hoped this wasn't in the way of Samantha's faith


Linda Corbs felt the sudden urge to wake up and she did. Glancing to the clock beside Dave's bed she saw 4:30 but it wasn't the time that caught her attention, it was Dave. He was seated hands clasped together and lips moving. She tried to remember the Doctor saying anything about odd behavior but there was none. As she watched his lips move, tears began to pour from his eyes, that proved to her it was only one possible thing Dave was doing...He was praying. Linda watched the moment in awe and quickly she put her own hands in prayer and closed her eyes

"Lord, you know what Dave is saying, please finish your work in him"

She opened her eyes and watched her son. The journey here had been too long. She remembered coming to this hospital that first night with the was truly one of her most horrible moments. Since Bill had left her, her life had been wrapped around Dave and his future and his everything generally. Even when he had gone 'hay-wire', she was still attached to him which was why she didn't summit him to rehab or anything of the sort. Now watching him come back home she was filled with emotion and began to cry...her Davey.

Thoughts of the last 2 weeks filled her mind and her emotions doubled. 2 weeks ago she had been kidnapped by Santiago Reves, one of the nations greatest fears. A day later, Bill had come to her rescue. When she saw Bill, she assumed he was only being human and didn't care about her though she had seen a softening in him since he started the 'Dave watch'. But he had fought and even gotten himself arrested. As 'the boys' drove Linda to safety, she had been crying, crying because as much as she had made herself believe otherwise, she still Loved Bill a lot. She had gotten home safely and done the last thing Bill had said to her

"Tell the cops"

She had dressed up, called Laury who picked her up. They first went by the hospital to check on Dave and Samantha. Samantha had run to her like a girl to her mother

"Linda!!! OMG! Linda you're alive" she had shouted with tears streaming

"Yes Sammy, I am"

"Wheres Bill?" Samantha had asked

Sadly, tearfully, she had related the story to Samantha and asked her not to tell Dave yet.

Walking into Dave's room, Dave awoke slowly coincidentally. Looking up he shouted as long as his muffled self allowed, "MOM!"

"Hey baby", she had said with tears still streaming down

They had spoken with her given him a subtle story of the Bill situation and then she and Linda had proceeded to the NYPD.

Giving the story at the NYPD had been hard but the Cops got the story anyway and a day later, Santiago had been arrested.

After that day, she had been by Bills bedside for a whole week and had even ridden with him to the station. Through out that week they hadn't spoken till on the ride.

She had tearfully questioned his action and Bill had told her Dave deserved to have a good parent. Those words still came at her. Now a week later, Bills lawyer was still cracking his brains to wage a case

"Mom" Dave interrupted her trip down memory Lane

"Yes baby"

"Mom...I'm sorry" Dave said after a wait and began crying

"For?? Whats happening baby"

"I've treated you like an idiot this pass year and a half, I'm sorry, the Devil took hold"

"Dave..Don't worry" Linda had said and joined in the tears "Jesus has forgiven you, who am i?"

"What of Caroline and Gerald and..."

"Dave, Don't worry, they'll forgive"

Mother and son had stayed like that a long time Linda uttering silent words of prayer. It was Saturday and she had begged Caroline and Samantha to take the morning. She had to be with Bill and his lawyer. She now felt lame for calling 2 of the girls together. At the beginning, she had noticed some tension among them but it had left. Then she had also heard the story of Dave remembering one first. She hoped they were at peaceful terms and were also mature. The girls arrived and Linda excused herself with one assurance...She had only one more prayer point...Bill.

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