The File

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Rose: It was twenty minutes since Dimitri left and I got extremely worried. What in the hell would take a conversation to be 20 mintues long? Were they discussing plans about what would happen after summer? Or was it something else? I had no idea and then another ten minutes had passed and another and another. Over an hour later did Dimitri come back looking worn and tuckered out.

I was already sitting on my bed with my feet propped up on the railing. "Hi, Comrade. Everything okay?"

He shut the door behind him, not saying a word. He took off his duster and hung it up in our closet that we had to share. When he took his shoes off and sat on his bed did he speak? Nope. Why wasn't he speaking to me for? It didn't make any sense, he usually speaks to me. He sits on the bed, not saying a word, and not even looking at me. It was frustrating.

"Comrade, what gives? Did Abe say something to you?" I asked a bit irritated that he won't say anything to me.

He finally gets up from the bed and heads back over to our closet, digging in his duster for something. When he steps away, I see he has a manila envelope in his hand. I frowned not knowing what it was.

"Comrade what's that?" I asked, nodding to the file.

He comes to my side and sets it in front of me, still not talking to me. His brown eyes looks tired and uneasy.

"The file you asked for. I did some digging from your Father for the name since you didn't give me any more information, so I went to him." There was no emotions in his voice. It was completely weird and not at all what I was expecting from his tone.

I nodded and looked down at the file. The name of the Moroi was Adrian Ivashkov. I frowned even more. So this is the person who fled from the Academy without giving a single word to his loved ones and his friends. That didn't make any sense. Why would he run for? I opened the file, looking at the picture that was Adrian Ivashkov. He had the frame of a Moroi- tall, pale, and green eyes the color of the sea. I bit my lower lip as I flipped through his family history. It stated that he was acquired member of the Ivashkov family but that his Father had done some excpilits things with a non royal.

It didn't go into details and I wasn't exactly sure if I wanted any more information about him. So, this was the guy who had fled, and in his file it stated he had went along ways away from the Academy. So, why would someone so rich and royal and powerful would want to just leave it all behind? It didn't make anysense. I shut the file and looked over at Dimitri who still was distant with me.

"Thank you, Comrade." I gave him a smile and went over to him, as I planted a kiss on his lips. He didn't move at all. He didn't try to bring me closer nothing of that. What the hell was his problem? He wasn't acting his usual self.

"Dimitri is there something that your not telling me?"

His eyes never looked at me, it seemed as if I were the one that was someone else's shadow and he was the Moroi. I sighed, annoyed at him as I slipped on my shoes and coat, going to talk to Abe myself.

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