Chapter 1: the new discovery part 2

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After about 20 minutes Kwazii was starting to give up until he saw red eyes glowing in the distance.
"Arr! There you are you scurvy vermit!" Kwazii got a little closer with the gup-B and then when he was about 20 feet away from the eyes, they turned and looked at him. 'Gulp!' Kwazii got out of the gup and acted brave by swimming a bit closer.
"Psst! Over hear!" He heard a whisper from behind him. He turned around.
"Who's there?" He asked in a whisper.
"Down here!" He looked down to see a little pink fish.
"Well hello there little guy. What's the matter?" He asked.
"I wouldn't go any closer to those red eyes if I were you! Those red eyes belong to a devilish creature! It will attack if you come less than 5 feet from it!" The little fish warned Kwazii.
"Oh really?" Kwazii was a bit scared.
"Yes really! It almost attacked me once! I was looking at the eyes because they looked so shiny and when I was 4 feet from it, It swished a big yellow tail at me and made me hurt my-!" He stopped talking.
Kwazii's pov
The fish had stopped talking.
"You hurt your what maty?" He looked like he just saw a ghost.
"Do. Not. Look. Behind. You." He said slowly.
"Why? What could be behi-AHH!" The red eyed creature was behind me.
"Hiss!!" He ran away once I turned on my light on my suit.
"Wow! Nice work, pal! He shouldn't be bothering you anymore!" The fish said.
"Yeah I guess so." I thought of what he looked like. He was yellow, he had a tail like mine, red eyes, and sharp teeth. It can't be! We can't breathe under water! Its impossible!
"Hey. You ok?" I turned towards the fish.
"Yea. What was it that hurt?" I asked.
"Me fin. I scrapped it on a rock." He showed me his fin.
"I know someone who can help you with that! Come with me." He followed me to the gup-B and we both went back to the octopod.
Red Eyed Creatures pov
"That cat almost blinded me!" I yelled in my head. "Oh when I get a hold of him he's dead!" I looked back over to him, he's going back to that machine! "Great! He blinds my left eye and now he's leaving!?" I was so angry. "You know what? I'll make sure you pay for that my little kitty. Wait. What? Where did little kitty come from?" I shook my head. "Never mind!" I decided to just find out where he lives so I can get him when he's sleeping. Then I remembered. "Why did I even get closer to him?" I shook that thought off and continued to follow the cat.

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