Chapter 4: The Incident part-1

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Kwazi walked me to Shellington, who was in what looked like a library.
"Ah! Shiro! I've got some amazing news!" Shellington exclaimed as he ran over to us with a book that looks to be about a zillion years old.
"What is it? What did you find?" I asked. He opened the book to a specific spot and showed it to me.
"Your a guardian of the lost jewels!" He exclaimed.
"Guardian of the lost jewels? I ain't a guardian. I'm a cat." I took the book and looked at it.
"If you read the fifth paragraph, it says almost every detail of the guardians! It even says how after 100 years a child of the sixth guardian is born with red eyes!" He was to excited about this. I went to the fifth paragraph and read it.

"All the guardians have one specific power and one animal spirit in them. The first four powers are either water, earth, fire, or lightning. These four guardians will each have an animal spirit. The spirits depend on how they act. If they are sweat and kind, they get a sweat and kind animal. This goes for the other three as well. The other two guardians don't have animal spirits, these guardians have the powers of light or the power of dark. These guardians choose whether they will save or destroy the world." I looked at Kwazii.

"I don't like this." I murmured. Kwazii patted my back. "Ow!" I jumped and dropped the book.
"Oh! Sorry! I forgot about your burns!" Kwazii apologized.
"It's fine. I forgot about them too." I laughed nervously.
"So was that all, Shellington?" Kwazii asked.
"Yep." Shellington picked up the book that I dropped and put it in a blue pouch. "Well, I'm gonna go see what Dashi is up to. See ya!" Shellington walked out of the library.
"So." I turned around to look at Kwazii. "You've never answered my question."

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