Chapter 3: the kitchen part 1

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"Well." I started. "Its a long story." I try to pretend it was nothing and I think Peso was just clueless because he just shrugged it off.
"Ok. Anyways I need to check your burns. Just to make sure there not getting worse." I sat up.
"Alright." Peso undid the bandages.
"Looks like the burns are going down a bit." He mentioned.
"Can I get up yet?" I asked impatiently. Peso chuckled.
"Sure. As long as you don't let anything or anyone touch the burns ,ok?" I looked at him.
"But what if I wanna lay on something?" I asked.
"Then use an ice pack. Or you can put some lotion on it." He showed me the lotion.
"It won't hurt, will it?" I asked.
"It will probably sting for a second, but that's all." I turned around.
"Hngh!" I crinched when the cold liquid touched my back.
"There. Now the front." I turned around.
"I'll do it. I have two hands." I grabbed the lotion.
"Alright." Just then a loud alarm went off. "Oh! The octo alert!" He jumped off the bed. "You put the lotion on your front. I'll be right back!" He ran out the door.
"Ok." I put the lotion on my burn. "There, all done." I put the lotion down and grabbed a role of bandages that Peso left here for me, and put them on the burns. "Now what?" I asked myself. "You know I haven't explored much around this place...let's have a look around." I got up and looked around Kwazi's room. "He sure is a pirate, isn't he?" I chuckled and looked around some more. I finally got bored and went out the room. "Lets see if there's a kitchen. I'm getting a bit hungry.

Hey guys!
I'm sorry for not uploading on this one lately.
I forgot I had this one.
Love ya~ <3

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