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So just a quick important note it's a tad easier because I'm used to writing in a different pov but if you want me to change back I will let me now enjoy the book bye.

Clarks pov:

I getting ready for my prom. I don't have a date so your going solo. I put on my short tight black and red dress and did makeup and hair. Then made my way down the stairs and to the door. I live alone now ever since I moved out last year. I opened the door and went to my car. Then drove to the prom. When I got there I intently felt butterflys in my stumic. I was about to leave when I was greeted by my friend Chelsie.
"Glad you could make it looking pretty hot come on the insides just waiting for you." Chelsie smiled widely.
"Yeah okay." I rubbed the back of my neck sending her a small smile back.
I got out of my car and Chelsie ran over to talk to another one of her friends. I went inside. When I walked through the door there were people taking pictures for the prom for the year book. They stopped me.
"C-mon take a picture it's for the year book we've never had anybody not take one yet don't be a first." They nagged.
All I thought was so everybody can know that I'm that girl that showed up without a date that just probably sat next to the punch bowl chugging the punch all night.
"Umm ah." I rubbed my neck nervesly.
"Hey clark." A formilieure voice called to me from behind.
I turned around to see none other than the one and only stiles. Nobody but me knows this but I have a tad bit of a crush on stiles and have for awhile.
"Listen don't take this the wrong way but I kinda don't have a date and I don't wanna be that guy that's known for coming here alone and stuff you know so will you do me a huge favor and take a picture with me." He asked.
"Ye.. sure." I Played Off cool.
We went in front of the camera. Stiles right before the picture snapped swung his arm around my shoulders. Sending shivers up my spine. They took the picture then called next. I said good bye to stiles and parted into a different direction. Towards my friends I'll edmit I'm not that cool or anything I have like three friends truly. Anoustly without them I would hate my life more than anything. I finally found them they hugged me.
"You look beautiful." They sqeuled.
"Are you looking In a mirror you guys are gorgeous." I stated.
"We know trust me." One of them spat.
"Shal we dance ladys." The guys asked them.
"Hell yeah iv got the moves like jagger." One of them siad.
Then they each ran off with there dates leaving me right where I asumed I'd be next to the punch bowl. But that's not where I'm gonna be and I'm not drinking any punch unless sombody spikes it wich I'm kinda hoping will happen. I walked over to the corner of the room. I stood and watched people dance with there dates. But I did get really thirsty after a while and walked over to the punch and decided to get one glass. I drank it then threw the cup away.
"Now it's time to choose prom queen and king." It turned silent and all the attention was on him.
I really didn't want to even tr uh to win at that all the eyes that would be on you my biggest fear is failing in front of tons of people well almost clowns is beyond my biggest fear but you know what I mean.
"Raina Gilbert, and Tristan sholtz"they announced.
Everybody clapped and cheered. Then it was silent.
"Here's a little entertainment coming from that direction." She pointed in the direction close to me.
I should mention me and her don't get along so well. I sat waiting for something to happen like the band marching out or something. Then it happened.
"Hey little girl." (Honk honk).
A clown rolled out next to me. I screamed scared and stepped backwards and then bumped straight into the table but more like fell on with a lot of force then slide off landing on my butt In front of it. Then the punch bowl fell off the table and landed upside down on my head. I was covered in punch from head to toe. Everybody roared with laughter. I Stood up took the bowl off my head and set it back on the table. I felt tears well up in my eyes and ran for the door. The tears began making there way down my face. I ran to my car and hopped in. Then really began to cry. I cried for a good fiveinutes. Then there was a knock on my window. I looked at the window to see stiles. I tried to his my face.
"Go away." I ahouted.
"No let me in." He banged again.
"I don't want anyone to see me cry." I shouted still crying.
"Shut up you look fine now let me in." He shouted back.
"No I'm covered in punch I'm crying with mascara and makeup streaming down my face and nobody should have to see that." I cried.
"Well I think you look beautiful " he siad kindly.
I laughed a tad bit then got the cureg to unlock the doors and let him in. As soon as I opened the doors he swung it open got in and slammed the door behind him. I still tried hiding my face. But he grabbed my wrist pulled them away from my face then pulled me into him and hugged me tightly. I cried for awhile. Then we talked for a bit.
"Everybody thinks I'm a dork." I pouted sadly.
"Well you have two choices to give a duck what they think or two to not give a duck what they think and come be a dork with me." He offered.
I laughed at that and hugged him.
"Stiles thank you." I stated happily.
"Anytime clark." He patted back.
I pulled away and stared at him for a bit. Then he started leaning in to kiss me. I was suprised when his lips touched mine. But after a few seconds I kissed him back happily.

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