Chapter Ten

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Julianna's P.O.V

The thunderous sounds put me to sleep. It's weird, storms keep me calm. The rumble and hurls soothe me. After me and Curly's little fiasco, I fell asleep for what felt like hours. I needed some time alone, to clear my head. Obviously I couldn't get that being in a car with my arch nemesis, so my mind was my last resort.


"Daddy!" I yelled across the beach. "Come and catch me!" 

He ran over to me and held me in his arms as he twirled me around as if he was showing me the universe. We lied down their for who knows how long. Just lying down, gazing upon the sky as it fell from daylight to darkness. Which was followed by it being illuminated by the countless twinkling stars.

"Darling, we have to talk." He said as he looked over to me. 

"Yes daddy?"  I asked as I kept my gaze on the beautiful night sky in front of me.

"Look at me." I looked over to him, his white complexion getting paler. His body feeling more frail as the days come and go. But one thing he never lost was the love in his eyes. His love for everything around him. "You know, Sweetheart, you've made me so proud as a father. I couldn't ask for a better daughter." 

"You aren't so bad yourself, daddy." I giggled. 

"You are as beautiful as your mother. You're as brave and as a lion, you are as swift as an eagle. You have a mind of your own and march to the beat of your own drum." He said. "And I know for certain, you will be more than capable on your own." 

I smiled. I loved when he brought up my mother. If only I had known her.

"I.... I won't always be here." He said with a sadness on his face. "And I want you to know this." 

"What's that?" I asked innocently.

"No matter the obstacles you face, the fear you come across, the decisions you must make, do it fearlessly. Never substitute your capabilities for anything else. Fight for what you want." He took a pause. "But remember, love endlessly, forgive abundantly and smile." He said as he adjusted my beanie on my head. "And take care of the beanie, bubble gum." He laughed.

"Yes sir." I laughed as well at the weird nicknames he used to call me and looked back up at the perfect night sky. "I promise." 


I woke up to a loud boom of thunder. I felt a tear run down my cheek as I recalled my final night with my father. Damn I've been crying a lot lately. I looked over to Curls who was eyeing me carefully as he tried to focus on the road.

"What?" I snapped. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." 

"What were you dreaming about?" He asked with curiousity and concern.

"Doesn't seem like it's any of your business." I retorted as I crossed my arms defensively. 

He just smiled as if he was amused. How can he do that? I scream profanities at him and insult him but he just smiles. He probably doesn't even care about me to fight back anymore.

"You know, I'm really, really sorry." He said suddenly. "For everything, Julianna. For year 7, for every damn day that I've tormented you."

"Curls." I tried to cut him off. I was quite taken back at his sudden apology.

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