Chapter Five

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Harry's P.O.V

After hearing that Linda hurt Julianna, I stormed off to find the bitch. I was going to break up with her gently, but now, she's going to get it. I walked furiously  to the front of the school to see the blond bimbo I once called my girlfriend sitting on the lawn with her short ass mini skirt.

"Hey babe. Did you see our work?" She asked, amused with her and her minion's work on Julianna.

"Don't babe me! The fuck was that for!?" I screamed. Her eyes opened up in shock. She got up and looked me in the eyes.

"Why are you so angry?" She asked innocently.

"Oh I don't know, probably the fact that your a class A slut who bashed an innocent girl?!" I screamed.

"Why- What? I thought you'd be happy...." She mumbled.

"Do I fucking LOOK happy?" I demanded.

"Well we don't need prudes. We've got each other." She said trying to sound seductive while enclosing the gap between us. I shoved her away.

"NO! It's over! There was never us! There will never be us!" I screamed. Her face scrunched up. She looked so pissed.

"You cannot dump me! Especially for a bitch like-" 

"I. Just. Did. And Julianna is not a bitch! She is twice the person you will ever amount to!" I hissed as I walked away. 

"She'll get it Harry! You belong with me." She said as turned me around to face her, then *SLAP*. On the same side as where Julianna punched me. Well at least I dumped this bitch and can hopefully move on with Julianna. 

Seeing Julianna hurt kills me. I'll stop trying to be a prick to her, I'll be nice. And she is bound to like me.... right?

Julianna's P.O.V

"Yes Clarise, it's me!" I screamed and she comes running down the stairs in her 9 inch stilettos. She looks more orange then usual.

"Finally! I need you to- UGH what the hell is up with your face?!" She squealed as her face scrunched up in disgust.

"Nothing, I fell on a bench." I lied.

"Such a clumsy girl. See, you can never amount to anything if you aren't coordinated!" She said in a sing song voice. Amount to anything? HA! Says the woman who married my father for his money. "As I was saying, I need you to unpack our bags and go to the boutique for a night shift, okay?" She asked, well not really asked, more like demanded. For a second, I thought she actually cared. Stupid me.

"Clarise, not to be rude but tonight is a school night. Can I do it over the weekend?" I suggested.

"School? Honey, I never wanted it to come from me but, school is not one of your strong skills. I'm sorry, but you're working tonight." She said as she turned around and left. 

The reason I put up with her is because if I get into Berkely, I'll need someone to sign my enrollment papers and since she is my only legal guardian, I have to put up with her shit.

I hauled a big green suitcase up the stair case, what does Fiona keep in here? Fiona loves the colour green because she thinks that green is Russia's new pink or something like that. I thought it was because she loved Shrek. I pull it over to her MASSIVE room filled with posters of boys and make up. She wasn't here. I guess she went to the mall. After unpacking and folding 5 bags of the same stuff, I took Henrietta's 5 orange suitcases and brought them to her room. Guess who I find? Twiddle Dum and Twiddle Dee themselves, ranting over girl magazines and shoes.

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