Chapter One

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*I fought it for a long time now, While drowning in a river of denial.*

I slammed in my alarm clock. 6:00 AM. Fuck. I am not a morning person. And to make it worse, it's the first day of school. Back to another hell hole. At least I don't have to make twiddle dum and twiddle dee's breakfast. They went to Bali for summer vacation. Two months without them was heaven! 

I got my phone and I had a text message.

From: Connor

Hey Jules! First day of school! Hope your pumped! Now get up! Have a fun day babe! xoxo

Connor is my best friend. He goes to another school. I wish he went to my school, however if he did, so many girls would fall for him because well, he is hot. He would probably start ignoring me. Not that I would ever tell him that, his head would go to far up his arse. He is American-Spanish but he grew up in London. He is almost 6 feet and has bright brown shoulder length hair. I call him Nutella head due to the brownness of his hair. He is trying to convince his parents to go to this football school near Berkley so we could be closer. He is actually surprised that I don't have a crush on him. He is Mr. Popular in his school, but he is so nice. If only the populars in my school were as nice as him.

To: Connor

Mate, stop being such a morning person. How can you wake up at 6 in the fucking morning and be so happy? Get your American arse some sleep. And I bet your day would be fun Mr. Popular. :) xoxox

Yes, yes, I sound like a cold hearted, care free bitch, but that's really how I talk to him. He is the positive to my negative. He puts up with my shit and I love him for that.

I got up from bed and walked across my attic, erm bedroom to the bathroom on the other side. Clarise, my step mum, made me move to the attic when my dad died, little did she know that attic was as wide as the house, so my room is twice the size of hers. Stupid bitch. Yes I hate her. She makes my life hell. She constantly tells me I'm fat, too short, ugly, stupid (especially when I get higher marks than her princesses.) I can't wait to leave her.

I turned on the shower, undressed and got in it. The hot water was so relaxing. I turned it off and immediately the cold air rushed upon my skin causing me to shiver. Quickly, I pulled a towel and covered my damp body. So bloody cold. I went to my walk in closet and got my uniform out and stood in front of the mirror. I put my white button down shirt, red tie and long black trousers on. I'm the only one who wears the long trousers, the other girls in my school wear the skirts. I put on my black converse with electric guitars on it and ran down the 3 flights of steps the the kitchen.

Usually, the kitchen staff would be there preparing breakfast, but I gave them day off. So when Clarise, Fiona and Henrietta come back today, they would have to cook for themselves for once in the lives. 

I got my Coco Pops and chucked half of it into a big bowl and then got the milk and did the same. Hey, I might be a girl, but I eat like a pig. I box so I burn the calories fast. But I don't really care. I dug right into eating it. When I was done, I rinsed my bowl and spoon and ran back up the stairs into my room. 

I fixed my bed and crawled under it to get my special box. My special box was a box me and my dad made a year before he died. He told me to put all my secrets and special stuff inside it. I put all of our photos together and photos of mum. I also put my prized possession, my blue beanie. 

I love my blue beanie. The day before my dad died, he took me for ice-cream and we walked around the streets of London the entire day. We walked inside this cute little vintage shop and I saw the blue beanie hanging on the hand of a manaquin. I fell in love with it because I love everything blue. My dad bought it and said it suited me well as he placed it on my head. I never take it off.

The Blue BeanieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang