Chapter Three

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 Apparently, because it was a girl who punched Curls, the headmistress didn't punish us so bad. We just got the next two periods of detention, PE and community service. She reckons PE is important because almost 70% of today's teens are overweight and she wants us to be fit. I don't see why the others got detention though, I was the one who messed up his face. In a way it was good Liam and Zayn were with me, if it were me and Curls, I would rip him apart. I managed to pack my pizza and coke in my bag, so detention wouldn't be so bad. I hope.

The six of us walked into the detention hall, misery, silence and boredom filled the air. I took the first seat seeing that Blondie, Retard and Curls took the last row. The headmistress walks in with a couple of letters and an angry expression on her face, kind of like the one she uses when she sees me. 

"Ms. Knight, I am very disappointed with you." She said sternly. "An A+ student like yourself shouldn't be getting into so much trouble and punching a peer!" 

If only you knew what really happened headmistress, if only you knew. I just looked down at my desk, it was my first time ever being scolded by a teacher.

"Do you think this would be a good thing to put in your record?! What will Berkley think about it?!" She yelled. I think she thought it was more important that a student from her school made it big than the actual well being of the student. Curls, however, thought it was funny and chuckled loud enough for everyone to hear.

"And you Mr. Styles! How dare you try to hit a lady?!" It was my turn to chuckle.

"But headmistress, what did we do?" Retard asked.

"Don't be a smart arse, I would expect that from Mr. Payne!" She yelled. "Cause trouble at my school and you'll be punished!" 

Wow, first day of school and I was already in detention. Let's just say I was sort of panicking. Yes, I may sound like a tough girl but deep down, I'm a nerd who is totally afraid of being on the bad side of any teacher.

"Enclosed in this envelop is a letter saying that you will spend every weekend for a month doing community service!" Headmistress scolded. The guys 'awwwwed' because they were going to miss the Welcome Back Dance that occurs on the last Saturday of the first month of school. "However, you may attend the dance." She said as she threw the letters on the table and told me to give them out. She stomped on her heels as she left the hall.

As I passed them out, I saw the look on every ones faces. Liam was as worried as me. I know for a fact that he is a goody two-shoes, that's something we have in common. Zayn was styling his hair to perfection, he uses a hell of a lot of hair gel. Retard was playing with his pencil, pretending it was an air plane. Stupid. Blondie was eating a bag of chips, they looked good. Just then my tummy rumbled and Blondie looked up to me and offered me some chips, I rolled my eyes and turned to Curls, who was sending me daggers with his eyes. His emerald green eyes bore into mine, anger filled them. Well his one eye. The other one was swollen. HA! If looks could kill, I would probably be dead. Instead of placing it on his desk like what I did to everyone else, I threw it at him. He caught it and cursed under his breath.

 "What was that for?" Curls exclaimed.

"Sorry, cooties, I don't come near dick heads." I smiled innocently. I swore he said bitch under his breath, but I don't give a damn.

I returned to my desk and looked over at the two boys who were sitting beside me. They both looked so hungry, so I did the unthinkable. I gave them my pizza. I took out the three delicious, round mini pizzas from my bag. They were still hot. I put one on each of there desks. Liam looked surprise that I'm sharing my food.

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