Chapter Six

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Author's Note: 

Okay! So I usually put this at the end of a chapter but I need you to read this before you head on. I changed a few things in the last chapter. For those who read the chapter before the 25th of August please re-read chapter 5. I added some more stuff and a flash back. You need to read it because:

1. So this chapter won't confuse you so much.

2. I really want you to read it.

I got that flash back idea from a dream. Yes, a dream. Weird aye? So please, read the Chapter Five again or you could just read the flash back, don't worry, it's in italics. Sorry if it confuses you too much. 

Thank you all that read so far, you guys are are truly amazing. <3 <3

Continue to read :)

Oh and I figured out how to do this now. 

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Harry's P.O.V

"Why the fuck were you with Delgado?!"  I demanded. After seeing her in a Range Rover with the guy that beat me up in 7th grade my anger levels rose to a new high.

"Woah Harry, calm down." Zayn said trying to calm me down. Not working mate, not working. I looked over to Julianna, she was scared. I would know because in year 7, I did one of the most retarded thing ever. I hit her. It was the first time I have ever seen her cry. She was terrified. Her big brown eyes were washed in fear and that was exactly how she looked like now. It killed me inside to see her afraid of me, but who would blame her, I caused it. 

"Why do you care?" She hissed. Why do I care? Because the guy you were in a car with beat the shit out of me for no fucking reason! Because I can't stand to see you with someone else! Because you're the only girl I've ever loved! You're the only one I will love, Julianna.

"Answer me!" I yelled. She gave me a confused face. 

"I did." She replied. "Now you answer me!" She matched my tone. People around us were starting to crowd.

"Because..." I mumbled trying my best to build up the courage to tell her. 

"Well?" She tapped her foot impatiently. 



The bell rang cutting me off. 

"Yeah, I thought so." She said as she turned around, got her stuff from her locker and walked away. I ran a hand through my curly hair in frustration and cursed under my breath. Zayn just stood there, his eyes open in shock. I looked at him and he stared at me. Everyone who crowded dispersed and went to homeroom.

"What?" I asked in annoyance at his stares.

"Let me get this straight." He said trying to sound all smart. "You've hated Julianna since forver and yet you're being so protective of her when it comes to Delgado? If I knew any better, I would say you have a thing for her." My cheeks heated up and I shoved my hands into my pocket.

"You love 'er!" He said as his eyes lit up is glee. I ran over to him and covered his mouth with my hands. 

"Tell anyone and I'll-" I warned before he cut me off.

"Don't worry." He said as he zipped up his lips and pretended to lock it. I rolled my eyes. "But, why did you bully her for so long?" He inquired. 

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