Chapter Two

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After reading that note, I looked up to Mop Head, I mean Liam, and he gave me a sad smile. Why was he being so nice to me all of a sudden? Just because Oompa Loompa saw some cuts, they decide to play the good guy and save me from Curls? Well, I'm not believing this shit. I crushed the note and aimed for the bin. I shot it in even though it was halfway away. Mop Head gave me a confuse look.

"Woah! We have a basketball star in the house!" Cheered Professor Harris, our advanced calculus teacher. I smiled, and my cheeks began to turn red. "You know what Ms. Knight, I've seen you play, you should join a basketball or football team. But, I strongly urge you to play football. You're amazing at it. I'm coaching this year, and I think you would be a great addition to the team." He suggested. When did Professor Harris ever see me play? I kick a few balls around school and with Connor but no one ever seems to be around when I do so.

"She can play?" Asked Mop Head, in a surprised manner.

"Yes, Mr. Payne, she can play. Minus the quiet, shy and beanie wearing girl you see right before you, you've got a football star." He smiled and winked at me. Mop Head however, was still too shocked. Well he can eat it.

"Thanks, I'll think about it." I replied.

"Very well, Okay back to Calculus!" He said enthusiastically.

The bell rang signalling us to go to 2nd period. English. I actually enjoy English, the teacher just gives us handouts and tells us to complete it for homework. She's not strict at all. In fact, she reads her gossip magazines or she goes on Facebook on her computer. So, the rest of the time, we just talk. Seeing that I have no friends, I read, doodle or listen to music on my iPod.

I got up from my seat and packed away all my stuff. I walked out the door and I could hear someone calling out to me from behind, but I just ignored it hoping he would go away, but he grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.

"Yes, may I help you?" I asked sarcastically.

"Why did you throw away my note?" Mop Head asked.

"Why would you think I would care or believe you?"

"I know I've been mean to you for a while but-" I cut him off.

"A while? Ha. More like 8 years." I retorted.

"Julianna please, I'm so sorry. I didn't think that being that mean to you for so long would have such an effect on you that you would start...cutting yourself." He whispered the last part. "Can you ever forgive me?"

"Why Liam, why now? Just after a couple of cuts, you think that I can just forget everything that happened. I'm sorry but no, I've dealt with shit from everyone for too long." I said as I turned around to walk away but he tugged on my wrist an pulled me back to face him. His thumb felt the scars and his eyes were begging me to forgive him.

"I don't expect you to forget anything, I just want you to know how genuinely sorry I am. For being such a dick and causing you so much hurt. Please Julianna, please. I am so sorry. I will never be that guy again. I really am so sorry." His eyes showed genuine remorse. I'm not one to hold a grudge if the person apologises sincerely.

"Fine, fine." I said, giving in to his brown puppy dog eyes.

"YAY!" He squealed and hugged me. I chuckled.

"Woah! We are already that close?" I teased.

"Oh sorry, don't worry, I'll see to it that Harry stops giving you shit." He said smiling and letting go of me. "What class do you have next?"

"Thanks mop head- I mean Liam." I said trying to cover my slip up, "I have English."

"Me too! I'll walk with you. And seriously? Mop Head? Did you give all of us nicknames?" He asked. I nodded.

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