Chapter Four

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Julianna's P.O.V

Confusion and anger filled my heart at that very moment. One minute he was telling me how ugly I was, the next he was grabbing my waist and pulling him closer to me. Was this another way of messing with me?

I ran out of the detention hall as fast as I could, to get away from all the drama, to get away from Harry. What was he thinking?! Why was I so nervous? So many questions were running through my head. Why didn't I punch him again? Why did Blondie save me? What was he going to do? Was he going to kiss me? But the main question was, Did I want him to? I wanted to break something so bad! I needed to let go of my frustration and confusion, so I kicked the nearest locker causing it to dent inward.

"Julianna, wait up!" Someone called from a distance. It was Retard. I walked faster, faster, faster until I started to run. No use. He has long legs, so he caught up to me in no time.

"Julianna please! Can we talk about it?" He pleaded.

"Talk about what?! What is there to talk about?! Your best mate sexually harassed me! We're not even friends! In fact, friends is the last thing I would ever call us!" I screamed at him, causing him to tear up. Was he going to cry? Now I felt bad.

"I know I was a meanie to you for 8 years, and I am so sorry for doing that. And what Harry did was out of order, I swear on my carrots that I never intended to hurt you!" I tried my best to keep a serious face when he said carrots, but I couldn't. I let out a little smile. I guess he's not retarded, he's just a big kid.

"Does that smile mean you forgive me?" He asked in anticipation. 

"Fine, fine. But if you ever-" Was all I said before ran up to me and gave me a bone crushing hug.

"YAY! OH I WILL NEVER HURT YOU AGAIN! WE ARE GOING TO BE BEST FRIENDS!" He squealed as he started jumping up and down. I couldn't help but laugh. So many people were apologising to me today.

"Okay, okay! C'mon, we have to go to class." I reminded him. He put me down and I looked over his shoulder to what appeared to be Liam and Curls. Just the sight of him made my insides flip. I told Retard, no Louis, that I was going to get changes for P.E. I ran into the girls locker room and the smell of cheap perfume and hairspray filled the room, causing me to go dizzy. Ugh, I hate this place. 

I set my stuff on the bench in front of my locker and pulled out my P.E bag and pulled out my schedule that had my P.E locker combination on it. I opened the steel case and chucked my P.E bag, deodorant and other female essentials in it. I changed into my gray P.E T-Shirt and my grey sweat pants that were up to my knee. I just realised, I'm the only girl in my class that wears the long P.E trousers. I pulled of my beanie and tossed it into my locker and tied my hair in a bun. Just then, the Queen Bee walks up to me wearing in what appears to be cotton undies. If her trousers were any shorter, they would be considered a thong.

"Hey minga." She said as her four minions stood at either sides of her.

"Hello Linda." I smiled, not wanting to start a fight.

"I just came to warn you, that incident that happened at the canteen, better not happen again." She warned. I wanted to congratulate her for using the word incident, but that would get me slapped.

"Yes ma'ma!" I enthusiastically saluted her. She rolled her eyes at my childishness.

"Oh and one more thing, STAY AWAY FROM MY BOYS!" She screamed. 

"Ooookay." I cheered. My happiness is coming from her desperation.

"Good, and just to help you remember." She smiled devilishly. "GIRLS!" She snapped her fingers.

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