Chapter 11

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Kings POV:
"G-gowther?" I stutter starting to panic a little. I didn't know where this was leading to and didn't want to find out.

"What are you doing in here shitty glasses?"Ban asks leaning against the doorway making Gowther turn to face him.

"Me? I was simply about to demonstrate what King was curious about" he says monotone as always, Ban rolls his eyes and grabs him by the collar.

"Out now" he says face close to the males face.

"Very well but you know you making a enemy" Gowther says before pushing him away and walking out giving me a small wave grinning.

Once he was gone Ban looked down at me as if I had done something wrong.

"W-what?.."I ask looking away from him.

"Why were you letting him touch you like that and not saying something?" Ban asks me and I just ignore him. I didn't want to talk to the man who did this to me..who made me vulnerable.

"You really are testing my patience aren't you fairy?" He spits out. Moving back a bit he sits down at a chair and sighs.

For some weird reason this seemed a little like nostalgic. I bite my lip again rembering something that had happened a long time ago.

5 Years Ago-
Ban the Sin of Greed had recently been captured and locked up in a cell where he couldn't move an inch. His body staked to the wall while he just sat there not aging..not dying or living.

I was upset at him still and wanted to pay him a vist maybe to brag about how I was not captured and that he was wasting away in a jail cell like a common human.

Breaking into the cell I smirk looking over the male holding onto my oversized pillow.

"Well if it isn't's it going greedy bastard?" I ask walking towards him slightly. Even when I spoke he refused to look up. He refused to listen to me.

Annoyed I growl a little bit and walk right next to him lifting his chin up so he can face me. His red eyes seemed so souless and empty.

"Who are you?".." He finally says suprising me a little. He didn't rember me?..Well I couldn't blame him I changed a lot during the last time we saw eachother.

"You really don't rember me huh?" I spit out.

"Sorry kid but being locked up in here for years kinda drives you insane to the point you rember shit" he says chuckling the liveness he used to possess flowing back to his body. I couldn't help but smile.


Smile? Why was I smiling?! I came here to brag to the bastard not humor him. Letting go of his chin I sigh turning my back.

"I don't even know why I even bothered to come here, your pathetic as always Ban" I say venom in my voice but then suddenly feel some weight press against me pinning me to the hard stone floor. What had just happened?

"Pathetic? That's a little harsh don't you think?" He says chucking. The bastard got out of his chain! But wait how?! Looking at him I glare.

"Get of me now" I command but he of course doesn't obey grabbing my wrists and pinning them over my head.

"Why don't I teach you a little lesson about manners" he says looking around before grabbing at one of the knives that was holding him in place.

"Now here we go..firstly you do not just barge into someone's cell calling them names" he says pulling my shirt up with the knive possessed hand while his other one kept my wrists secured above my head. I growl squirming wanting to be free but his strength played against me.

"Secondly you do not just walk away from them.." He says rubbing the cold blade across my chest and I look at him a little scared. What was he going to do? Stab me?

"And finally you don't say who you are" he says before slicing across my skin making blood splutter the metalic scarlet liquid everywhere; getting some on him and me.

I scream loudly from the sudden gash trying to kick at him but he only chuckles licking the blood that had gotten at him.

"Delicious..your delicious " he whispers before letting go of the blade and lowering himself licking at the blood, kissing certain areas. I couldn't help but moan in response. I was enjoying this. My hands make their way to his shoulder length white hair pushing him down a little more. I was enjoying the harsh pain and what he was doing. Why? I had no control of my body and what I did next will always suprise me.

"M-more please I want more!" I scream in pleasure vision blurring a little. The last thing I saw was the candle light of the dungeon before..

Unconditional  Love: Ban X KingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang