Chapter 12

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Helbrams POV :
Kings been gone a long time, earlier we both had talked about meeting up in the woods again since it would be a bad idea having me show up in the pub. Last time the sins saw me I was trying to murder them and I somehow doubt they would welcome me with open arms.

Sighing I just lay on the open field looking up at the crystal blue dark sky which was filled with an array of stars. So beautiful and tranquil. Shutting my eyes for a few minutes I start to think about King.

His brown hair, his small body, his pale skin, his beautiful eyes..him.


Why was I thinking of him like this? If anything I should see him as a brother but since I gave him that mark in the woods I can't stop thinking about the brunette.

Marking him was out of impulse really. I just wanted him to know that he couldn't be with any other guy, that he only needed me and only me. That sounds possessive now that I think about it.

I did have feelings for Harlequin and they were strong. Sometimes I feel as if I'm choking on my own emotions when I see him talk to another guy or girl.

I'm not gay..right?

"Helbram!" I hear a voice shout making me shoot up and turn seeing Harlequin float towards me landing perfectly on the grass.

"I never thought you would show up" I say chuckling and he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah sorry..something held me up but now I'm here" he says smiling wide and I pat his head.

"Good cause I was starting to get worried" I say causing him to blush a light shade of pink. Cute.

"So what did you want to do?" He asks curious and I just shrug. We chased butterflies and talked last time and there really wasent much you can do in the woods aside from hunting. We both of course hated the thought of hunting so that wasent an option.

Laying back down on the grass I grab his arm pulling him down as well causing him to land on me. His body rests on top of mine. Face close to my own.

"Your hair is everywhere" I say pushing the strand of his brown hair away from his widened eyes.

"Helbram were in the woods..what if someone sees?" He asks embarrassed.

He's right. What if someone walks by and sees two males holding one another, they surely would think something was up. But at the moment I could care less. The moment was too perfect to pass up.

"No one's going to be in the middle of the woods at night time..don't worry" I say smiling and he just nods laying his head on my shoulder. Harlequin looked severely exhausted.

"How was your day?" I ask brushing strands of his hair and he responds back with a small 'ok'.

"Exhausted I see.." I say softly letting him lay there longer.

"Thank you for this big brother.." He squeaks out embarrassed by the small name. Technically he would be the big brother but I see him more of a little brother and he sees me more of a big brother. The nicknames fit us even if we're aren't really related by blood.

"No problem Harley just get some sleep I'm sure you'll feel better tomorrow" I mutter kissing his head softly letting him drift into slumber in my arms.

We were only brothers..right?

Bans POV:
That little minx. I let him go early since he was being such a good boy but when he left in the middle of night, sneaking out I felt as if something was off. Following him I was hoping he was just star gazing or some ridiculous shit fairys do but now that I find him like this..well he's going to pay tomorrow when he gets back.

He's going to be embarrassed and punished for not listening to me.

I said he belonged to me and only me.

He's going to only rember that tomorrow.

Gowthers POV :
My nails dig into the tree I was hiding behind, claw marks starting to appear in the wood. I usually don't spend my nights hiding behind some random trees and spying on people but..when I saw King sneak out I followed him curious.

Seeing him another man's arms at the moment make me grit my teeth. My breathing starts to quicken.

When he decides to get back in the morning I'm going to make sure that he suffers. I'm going to make that fairy yell for more by tomorrow. Make him scream, make him beg, and most of make him want only me.

My emerald eyes glow in the dark background blazing as if they were possessed. Lust makes people do crazy things. Things that are deluded and filled with madness.

Things they regret.

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