chapter 14

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Hello everyone!!! I am copying and pasting quickly the chapter because i am afraid i will lose the little signal i found


 Chapter 14

Nicolas sat on his desk chair and drunk a big gulp of his coffee. He really needed that. Especially after that conversation. Too emotional. Again he did not expect that. He quickly searched in his computer the file that contained all the resumes of his employees. As soon as he found Maya’s he opened it and scanned it. She had worked in three different companies. She was in the last one the most time. If he wanted to see if she had a habit of sleeping with her bosses he would probably have to talk with all three of her previous companies. He googled all of them and checked the list of the personnel to see if he knew someone he could ask, without word getting out, that he was checking her references.  Fifteen minutes later he had what he needed. The accountant on the last two companies was Jerry a friend of his from college. So he thought that he would start with Jerry and if nothing came up from him he would try to find someone from the other company she had worked.

He called him immediately and asked him if he could pay him a visit this morning. He had to get out of the office anyway since he had told Maya he had an external appointment. Thankfully for him Jerry had an opening around ten thirty which gave him just enough time to drive to the other part of the town where Jerry’s office was. That is why he grabbed his keys and left quickly telling July that he would be out on an external appointment all morning. He was not sure how much time he would have to spend in Jerry’s office or if he would have to talk to someone else after that.

Half an hour later he was right on time for his appointment outside of Jerry’s office. His secretary told him that he would be free in about ten minutes. In less than that Jerry’s office door opened and he exited with someone that was obviously a client of his. He saluted him and as soon as he spotted Nicolas on the reception couch a huge grin appeared on his face.

“Well well well, long time no see Nicky. Where have you been? My God I haven’t heard from you in years. “

“Yes, trying to establish myself in the business world is not an easy thing as you know yourself. How have you been Jerry? ”

“I am doing fine. Come in we have a lot of catching up to do.”

“Thanks you”

“Jane keep my calls please and notify me when my next appointment arrives.” he told his secretary

“Yes sir.” She responded as they got in his office.

“I am so happy to see you Nicky and I am really sorry I won’t be able to spend more than half an hour with you but I have an appointment next that I could not cancel it. But I would really like for us to meet again when we will both have more time. Maybe we could go for drinks some time like old times.” At the last comment he winked at Nicolas.

“Oh God don’t remind me how our nights when we used to hit the bars were. And please stop calling me Nicky. You know I hated it then, and nothing has changed on that department.”

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