Moving In

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"I can't believe this day is here, Mitch!"
She starts to tear up.
I go and awkwardly hug here because even though she's my mom, I'm not good with crying people.
"Mom, it's fine! You can come visit whenever."
I hand her a tissue and she cleans her face.
"I know, I know. But you've grown up so fast. I remember when you were little kids and you and Kirstie used to sing your hearts out to us. You guys always did little concerts and things for us."
She sighs," you know, it's not to late to go and apply for college?"

Here we go.
She's always wanted me to go to college for my singing.
I just don't think I'm that good.
I let out a sympathetic sigh, "yes mom, I know."
Thank god dad walked in at the perfect time.
"Alright boy, all of your stuff is in the car."
He clasps his hand around my shoulder.
"Be safe, okay? And come visit us."
I cackle at that.
"Dad, I'm only 30 minutes away, jeez."
He inhales loudly," I know but who is mom supposed to take shopping? Who am I gonna try to annoy with football?"
"You can call me and talk to me about football. Or just COME VISIT. And with mom," I look over to her,"call me when you want to shop. We can have our shopping days."
Her face lights up as she nods.

When they finally let me go, I sit in my car for a few, my eyes glued to my steering wheel.
This is really happening. I'm moving out and in with Kirstie.
I laugh and look behind me at rocky, my cat, in her cage.
"Yeah. You and me both, sister."
I pull up to Kirstie's.
She walks out with the brightest smile on her face.

I really love that smile.

"Hey honey bunches!"
Kirstin greet me at the door and helps me gather my belongings out of the trunk.
"Hey hey" I reply holding Rocky's cage so Kirstie can bring her inside first.
She grabs the cage and sticks her finger inside the cage.
"Hi, Rocky!" She coos, petting playfully behind her ears.
Rocky just purrs, purrs, anddddd purrs.
She lifts the handle on the cage and let's her out.
"Be freeeee!"

After we bring my stuff in, she helps me set up my room.
"Dang, you got your room done fast! When did you get here?" I ask her.
We literally just bought this apartment together and for her to be done that fast amazes me.

"Well.." She puts her hand on her forehead and gives me a funny look, " 4 hours ago?"
We both bust out laughing as I silently shake my head at her.
"Since I helped finish your room, can you please go get some groceries while I run and get some other stuff for the apartment?"
"Sure!" I exclaim excitedly,.
"I'd loveeeee to!"
"Thanks Mitchy- Poo."
She strides over and kisses my cheek.
"Oh I almost forgot!" She throws a key at me. "House key. Could never go wrong with one of those aha."

I arrive at a grocery store called food lion.
Food Lion?
That's a funny name.
I walk in and grab a grocery cart.
Hmmm.. What to get.
I whip out my phone and text Kirstie.
M: Hey queen. What do you want from the grocery store? Like for yourself?

As I wait for a reply, I go around the International Food isle.
My eyes light up at what I find.
Ugh it's so good.
I grab about 18 boxes because there only 89 cents.

K: sushi! And that's really it for me, Hun.

Ohhhh! How could I forget that!
What would I do without my partner in crime??

As I rush to the sushi, I run into a tall, blonde headed boy.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I practically yelp.
"Oh it's totally okay."
When he turn around, his bright blue eyes wash over me.
Jesus fuck.
I stare at him for about a few more, let me say, awkward, seconds until he breaks the silence.
"Well I'm guessing you need to like, get over to the sushi."
I nod absently at him. "U-uh yeah. Right. Sushi."

Great Mitch. 10/10.

I grab the sushi and turn to see him still staring at me. He kinda moves his head back and forth mumbling something, then turns to walk away.

He was super adorable.
Maybe I'll see him around?
Hopefully I won't be as awkward as I was, Jesus that was terrible.

I go to the check out and throw I couple of stupid things in the basket. Like gum and candy.
Even lighters because God knows I'll need them for something.
"Your total will be $113.50"
I kind of just gape at him.
I didn't even get much.
I look back at all the bags.
Okay maybe I got a little over a little bit..
I hand him $120.
"Thank you for shopping at Food Lion. Come again!"
I wave at him while saying "thanks."
"So, how much did you end up spending?" She asks.
She just laughs.
"Damn. So worth it though."
We begin to un-bag everything.
She grabs all the Pocky and throws it up in the air.
Only Kirstie.
She holds up the 5 containers of sushi I got.
"I'm so happy you got a lot. Knowing us, this won't even last a week."
My mind goes aback to when I found the sushi.
The tall blonde.
"Oh!" I spin to her direction.
"Speaking of sushi, I had an encounter with an adorable guy today!"
She claps and acts all giddy.
"Ohhhh Mitchy! Tell me all about it!"
I tell her the short story about running into him and how he kept looking at me and how beautiful his eyes were.
"wait, did you say blue eyes, tall and blonde?"
"Correct." I look at her expression,"why?"
"Just sounds vaguely familiar."
She shrugs it off.
"There's so many tall blondes with blue eyes, you'll run into a million of them." She explains to me.

"Yeah, I know. But not like this one.. I wish I would have said something."
This time I'm the one who shrugs the conversation off.
I open the bag of cat food and pour it into Rocky's little bowl.
"Anyways, what did you get, Kirstie??"

Sorry for the short chapter! I'm not good at writing long ones!
I did realize there was some Mirstie moments in here! (AWHAWH)
But Scömíche will be soon.
Please comment, vote and share!
-Ashlynn 🌙

Boy Next Door      (Scömíche)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant