Wyatt Blue Grassi Hoying /Aniversary

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Once again, I wake up with Scott gone.
It's been 4 months since I moved in.
He's always doing something.
This time, there's no notes.
Scottttt ugh.
I got and grab the pancake mix and make some pancakes.

I've been watching spongebob for what seem likes forever.
I look at the time
5:54 pm.
Well damn.
Wait, where Scott?
I while out my phone to call him, but there's no need.
I hear the keys jingle and the door open.
"Mitchy, close your eyes."
"Um,no. Mama doesn't like surprises." I exclaim.
He laughs and tell me to at least bury my face into the pillow.
Of course I listen.
"Okay okay. One, two, three. OPEN!" He yells.
In front of my is a beautiful little grey Sphinx kitten.
I gasp. "Scotty!!"
"I know you wanted one soooooo, heres a early 5 month-aversary gift! I remember how bad you've wanted one, ever since you were little you said. And I wanted one to sooooo."
I reach out and pull him into a hug.
"So now that you know, I'm thinking about naming him-"
"Scott if you even begin to say Beyoncé I will kill you."
He laughs and clears his throat.
"Ah- umm.."
He runs his long fingers through his beautiful blonde hair.
"You name it." He says.
A name pops up.
"WYATT!" I laugh,"Now you choose his middle name."
I see his face light up,"Wyatt Blue Grassi-Hoying."
A gasp and repeat that into wyatts ear. "You like that?"
He purrs and shoves his head against mine.
"That's a yes." Scott says sarcastically.
"Buttttttt we don't have everything to take care of a cat. I got rid of Rocky's stuff when he died."
He pulls out more things from behind him.
"Um,duh? That's why I bought things!"
I just laugh and burst into happy years because I finally have my Sphinx cat.
And a perfect boyfriend.
I wake up and my stomachs in knots.
It's our 5 month anniversary.
You're probably thinking,"what the hell ever,that's not even long."
But it is for us.
So we're going out to eat with his parents, then mine.
But I have a surprise for him.
He always goes to this one place since he was a kid, he says, that he always have loved.
I'm going to bring him there.
He hasn't been in years.
I'm excited.
Then I'm ripped from my thoughts when I feel Scott's long arms wrap around me.
He plants kisses along my jawline.
"Happy 5 month-aversary, baby."
A chuckle and meet his soft, warm lips to mine.
"Happy 5 month anniversary to you to."
He gets up and begins getting ready because we have a packed schedule today.
"Babyyyyyyyy." I exclaim.
"Yes, kitten?" He runs over to me and pounces, shaking the bed.
"You've got to get up, you've got to get up!" He tells into my ear.
I groan,"I knowwwww."
He laughs," it's 9:42 we need to leave by 10. I turned on your straightener. Let's gooooo. We have dinner with your parents first."
"What would I do without you?"
He laughs,"let's not think about that, okay?"
I jump out of bed and head for my straighter.

"Thank you so much, Mike and Nel. It was so wonderful."
My dad goes and clasps his hand on Mitchs shoulder," anytime." His eyes dart over to me,"this ones a keeper."
I stifle laugh,"I know I know. But we have to get going to Scott's. I love you guys."
We all exchange goodbye, my moms eyes getting glossy with tears.

When we arrive at Scott's parents, they greet us with big hugs.
"Hey, mr and Mrs Hoying."
"Please," they begin,"call us Rick and Connie."
I nod as we head in for dinner.

"That was great. I love your parents."
"Thank you, mr.grassi. Yours as well."
We both laugh.
"How about we ditch this restaurant and head to the house where the good stuff is?"
I could barely contain my excitement as we got into the car and headed home.

He put a blindfold over me as we entered the house.
"Oh watch your step." He grabs my wrist harder so I don't fall.
"Okay alright up the stairs."
He groans," aha, take off the blindfold."
When I take if off, were still on the stairs.
There are rose pedals and candles scattered at my feet.
I gasp and my hand clings to my mouth.
"It's so beautiful."
Ha laughs,"that's not even the half of it."
I follow the pedals up to the bedroom, where its light up with candles and Wyatt is pouncing in the bed.
"Um.. Don't mind Wyatt." He says, trying to contain his laugh.
He moves Wyatt and pushes my onto the bed.
"Mitch, I love you."
I melt into him.
He leans in and kisses me like his life depends on it.
I let out a little moan when his hands reach the hem of my shirt, and he successfully pulls it off, revealing my chest.
"Fuck." Is all he can manage.
He trials kisses down my chest and to my section.
I let out another moan, louder.
"You like that?"
He pulls of my pants and connects his eyes with me, giving me a seductive stare which makes me go crazy, wanting him more.
"Hands down, ass up." he demands.
I obey.
I feel the pleasure of him inside of me.
"I don't want to hurt you, are you sure about this?"
I moan a 'yes' and bite my hand as hard as a can to stop from letting the sound of pleasure escape my lips.
He goes in, giving me all 7", causing me to grip the sheets with all my might and bury my face into the pillow.

"Best. Night. Ever."
He leans over and kisses me before Wyatt intrudes our bed.

Sorry this wasn't long!
The next chapter will be sad I'm sorry ugh.
Thank you all somaj!

And yes, I'm aware I didn't show Mitch's surprise. That's later c:

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