The Fire/Moving Out

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"Mom!" I tell watching the flames engulf the rest of the house. "Please! Mom!" I place my face into my hands and sob.
I hear her last words coursing through my head ," I love you Mitch. Stay strong if I don't make it. You are my world. Now run! Make it out of this fire. Go!"

"No!" I awake myself screaming and fairing.
I feel Scott's comforting arms around me.
His soft warm lips meeting my neck.
Not sexually.. Comforting.
"Are.. You okay, baby?" He picks his hand up and wipes my tears from my face.
"Ow! I keep forgetting your have acidic tears."
He really knows how to change my mood.
" was my mom." I sigh."I think Kit breaking that thing made me think about it which triggered "nightmares". I re-lived the moment she died and what's she said."
It looks like he's about to tear up," maybe if you talked about it...?" He pleads.
I nod. "Yeah, uh sure." I search my head for where it all began.
"Well okay so we had this long beautiful staircase and we had candles lining them on the wood part. She had called me up the stairs to ask me something." I wipe the tears from my eyes." I'll never know what she wanted.."
Scott caresses me even harder before speaking.
"You don't have to-"
I wave him off.
"So, I was running up the stairs and one of the long candles flame caught my spongebob slipper on fire. I never realized until I felt a burning sensation. Then I was on fire."
His eyes grew bigger.
I showed him a few of the burn scars on my leg and he begins to lightly trace them as if they would still hurt if he pushed hard enough.
"She jumped on top of me trying to pull them off. To stop them from burning. But she caught on fire.." I told him about her last words.
"But, eventually my dad remarried. I was so young so now I call her mom." I began to settle down.
Thanks to Scott.
He tells me how he's sorry and how everything will be okay.
He kisses me and snuggles me against him before falling asleep for the few hours we have.
I wake up to Scott, the big starfish, not in my bed.
I get up groggy and wipe my eyes, which are taking forever to adjust to the morning light.
I stand up and quietly make my bed just in case he's hear somewhere.
When I'm done, I see a note taped onto the bathroom mirror: went to Kirstin's house to get your stuff. You can come walk over if you'd like.

He's so cute.
But do I want to go to K's?
Yes, of course I do.
He's gonna forget a lot of my stuff if I don't oh my god.

I knock on Kirstin's door and Scott let's me in.
"Hey hot stuff. Goodmorning.
I'm guessing you got my note?"
I laugh and nod my head at him.
He holds up his hands,"I've got some of your stuff."
I nod at him and proceed to my room.. And the living room where she threw a lot of my stuff.
My Beyoncé poster is crumbled and ripped from being torn off the wall.
Oh well.
I go and grab my comforter and pillows, clothes, cd's, and whatever else.
I'm hella not leaving him here.
"Tsktsk! Rockkkyyyy?"
I turn to Scott to ask if he's seen him but before I can ask, his face is different.
I raise my eyebrow to him.
"What?" I ask.
He takes in a deep breath,"Rocky.. He um.."
But he didn't have to finish.
I knew exactly what he was saying.
"Died.." I finished for him.
He start to cry, Rocky was always there for me.
And yes, I do know he's a cat.
But he was there for me.
"He ran out last night when we brought K in and got hit.. I'm so so sorry Mitchy."
I let tears slide out of my eyes.
I quickly wipe them away, not wanting Scott to see me crying over something so stupid.
I start to put things in my backpack until I see Kirstin out the corner of my eye.
"Mitch, I'm sorry."
I shrug my shoulders,"it's whatever, Kirstin."
She huffs sadly,"no it's not Mitch! I broke something precious to you!and-"
"Kirstin! We fixed it! It doesn't matter, okay"
"Then why are you moving out?!" She yells.
I won't let her make me cry.
"Because, I can't do this. It will just happen all over again and I can't. I'm moving in with Scott."
"You just met him!"
I laugh," I know Kirstin. I wasn't born yesterday. But I have no where else to go. And I really care for Scott. And.. I like him so much. And if it doesn't work out, me and him will still be friends. Kirstin you don't like me making your decisions, so don't make mine."
Jeremy comes behind her and won't even make eye contact with Scott.
His eyes bruised and he has a large gash on his cheek.

Scott's p.o.v.
When I see Jeremy, he looks bad.
And trust me, I'm not sorry.
I'm very proud of myself.
I grab Mitchs waist and escort him out of her house and back to ours, his stuff in his hands and his stuff in mine.
I'm falling so hard for him.
I can't believe he's actually moving in.

MITCHS p.o.v.
I set my stuff down in Scott's room.
He comes in and grabs my by my waist.
"I wonder.." He begins.
Before I can get anything out, he grabs my waists and digs his fingers into my sides.
"Ah! Scotty!" I yell out before squirming like and idiot.
He dies laughing before I accidentally nudge my shoulder into his nose causing it to bleed.
I shoot up in worry,"oh my god! I'm so sorry oh my god."
He just keeps laughing," babe it's fine! I'm okay."
I hand him some tissues to clean his nose with.
He kisses my cheek.
"Babe, your adorable."
He must see my face light up because his lips meet mine again for the first time in a while.
Ugh, his lips.
"So Mitch," he scoots closer to me with his bloody napkin,"will you do the honors and be my boyfriend?"
I almost start crying.
It's not like he's asking to be my husband.
But this is so great.
"Yes. Yeeesssss. Oh yes!"

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