"Hi, im Scott."

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I can't get him off my mind.
I don't know.
It's weird.
We only met for like.. 10 seconds?
Why is he clouding my mind? It's starting to bother me so I get up and go feed Rocky.
I make a clicking noise to get Rocky's attention.
"Rocky!! Come here, kit kitty!"
I sigh in defeat and move my bangs out of my face.
I pour food into his bowl anyways.
"Mitchy? Sugar?"
Oh! Kirstie's awake!!
"Hey! In here!"
She comes trudging into the kitchen.
"Morning Hun."
I wave back to her and tell her good morning back.
"So! I was thinking, want to go shopping?"
Her facial expression changes so I know she can see the beam on my face.
"Yeeeesss. God yes."
"Alright. What time?"
I look at my watch.
8:51 am.
She comes and kisses me on the cheek.
"Sounds good!"
She must really like my cheeks.
"And I really like your cheeks by the way. There so cute, I never really noticed."
I totally called it.
"Okay," I begin. "Why do you have more of a boyish car than I do?"
We both chuckle and look at my car before pulling out of the driveway.
"I'm not sure? I mean, I love you convertible!"
I agree with her strongly.
It's a cute car.

When we finally arrive at the mall, I basically throw myself into it.
I'm super excited to get new stuff.
"Run baby, run. Don't ever look back!" Kirstie sings to me.
I actually really like that song. But it does quite go along with this situation.
"Want to grab some food before we shop?"
Yes ugh. Food.
"Sushi?" I ask.
Now she's the excited one.
She nods fast as we lock arms and head to the sushi bar.

"Kirstie!" I whisper yell to her.
"What, dear?"
I pointed to the sushi bar.
"It's him."
She gives me a confused glance until it hits her.
"Oh my god." She pokes at my side. "It's him isn't it! Go say hi! I'll stay back here. You can just order for me. I want a-"
I let out an annoyed sigh.
"Kirstin no! You're coming with me. I'm not doing this alone."
She knows it's serious if I say Kirstin instead of Kirstie.
I try to act like I don't notice him..
Until I have to order.
My stomach goes to knots.
I can't do this.
Don't embarrass yourself Mitch.
I go to walk up to the bar to order.
Then I fall.
I literally fall onto my small fragile butt.
Oh and why I'm at it, I hit my nose on the glass where all the sushi is.
Way to go Mitch. 10/10.
"Oh my god," he comes running out from behind the counter. "Are you okay?"
He gives me his hand.
If he wasn't attractive and I didn't want to know what he feels like, I would've shrugged his hand away.
But you know. I DO want to know what he feels like, so I take his hand.
"Thanks. Wow that was embarrassing."
Again Mitch. Way to go. 10/10.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
I nod and look around for Kirstie.
I started to feel angry that she left until I realized she was right there next to me.
She hands the tall blonde tissues.
He begins to wipe something from my nose.
But no. I don't care that I'm bleeding.
I can't believe he's wiping blood from my nose.
"God. I'm so sorry that happened. Literally jeez. It looked like it hurt. Are you sure your okay?"
I nod my head.
I see a quick glimpse of his name tag.
That's a sexy name.
He goes and throws the napkins away.
That was very sweet of him to do that. Wow.
"So uh, wow. What would you like to order?"
We both kind of bust out laughing.
" 2 California rolls please?"
"Man. I hope you get better."
I roll my eyes. "Thanks. I should be fine."
I'm not.
But I can't show him that.
Gotta stay strong.
"Can I have a name for that?"

"Mitch." He tells me.
"Thanks." I smile to him and he walks off to the back of the wait line.
Mitch? What a cute name.
Shit. He didn't pay.
I put the amount that he owes into the cash register.
He comes running back with the money in hand.
"Don't worry about it, Mitch. I covered you. It's the last thing I could do since you basically broke your nose over here."
He laughs and thanks me before walking back to the wait line.

"Thank you."
I laugh a little and go back over to Kirstie.
"Can you believe that?"
she laughs. "What? That you feel onto your face?"
She can't help but die laughing.
I give her a pissed off look
And she apologizes quickly.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. But it was cute." She refrains herself from laughing much more.
I begin laughing to.
"I guess it was kinda funny."
"No but seriously, he just paid for my food."
She gapes at me. "Really? Oh mitchie, he totally likes you."
I give her a little shove.
"Whatever. He was just being nice. He even said that was the least he could do for practically breaking my nose."
My name rolls of his tongue sexily.
I go up and grab my food.
"Thanks. Have a great day."
He winks at me and tends back to the other persons order.
When we get far away enough so he can't hear us, she freaks out.
"Hush! He was just being polite."
But I rethink that when I look at my receipt.
Text me sometime.

I shove the receipt into Kirstie face.
"Okay! I believe you! Look at it! His number!"
I look over to the sushi bar.
He's looking at me and smiling.

When we get home, I unload everything into my bed.
I'm to lazy to put it all up right now.
I grab some pajamas and a towel and go take a quick shower.

When I get out, Kirstie's in my room.
Thank god I'm dressed.
"I missed hearing that beautiful voice! I haven't heard it since senior year was over. "
"Whatever. I can't sing."
She hits me in the chest.
"Ow! I'm fragile!"
She laughs. "No kidding. You weigh like, literally a pound."
"Don't forget to call your boyfriend!" She yells as she walks into her room.
I yell back, "he's not my boyfriendddd!"

I pick up the receipt and text him.

M: Hey, Scott. It's Mitch. Remember the one who busted his nose right in front of you?

Soooo yes!
I left it on a kind of cliff hanger?? Because you don't know what he's going to reply 😏
I'm enjoying this story so much ! Poor little Mitchy. My poor child. I love him so much.
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-Ashlynn 🌙

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