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I've been waking for what seems like forever.

I thought Scott loved me... How could he cheat on me with.. Him?

Sure, he was tall, handsome, and all Scott's type, but I thought he'd never do that to me..

I passed at least 4 frat parties until I decided to stop at one.

It's hella more wild than the one we were at. I spotted a guy selling weed and approached him. "How much?" He hands me just enough to make two blunts and I gave him $50.

As I walk down the street, I feel around for the blunt and pull it out. I've never smoked weed before, but I need something to help me cope with this feeling that I can't quite explain. I pull out my lighter and light it. I stare at it for a few more seconds before holding it up to my lips and sucking, causing smoke to fill my body. I hold it in for a few, then exhale letting it all leave.

I hit it a few more times until I feel.. Dizzy. Loopy. Something.

A feeling I've never felt before.

It. Feels. Great.

I continued walking and smoking the 2 blunts I have.


When I opened the dorm door, Scott, Kevin, and.. Dallas?!

I charge at Dallas, my high still hasn't worn off.

"YOU!" I grab his shoulders and push him down. He sits there and let's me absently punch his chest. It clearly doesn't hurt because 1) I'm high 2) I'm weak.

Scott pulls me off of him and grips my shoulders.

"Mitch! Calm down!"

"You don't even have the audacity to tell me to "calm down"! You cheated on me with.. With this!" I point to Dallas.

"Is... Is that weed I smell?"

"Yes in fact, Mr. Hoying. It is. I needed to feel numb so I didn't have to feel the hurt YOU LEFT ME WITH."

Kevin moves Scott's hands away from me.

"Scott, it's 2:54 in the morning. You and," he stops, clearly disgusted with Dallas," him, need to go back to the dorm. I've got Mitch."

Scott leans in to kiss my forehead but I quickly pull away.

He sighs and walks out the door, Dallas trailing behind him.

"Mitch, I'm so fucking sorry. Are you okay?" I let go and crawl into Kevin's arms and just sob until I fall asleep."


"Mitchy? Hey it's Kevin. Get up. It's time to go to class. Mitch?"

I groan at his words, not wanting to get up. "I'm up I'm up."

I jump up out of my bed and hit the alarm clock.

"How are you holding up?" He asks.

Then I remember last night. I'm hit with sudden realization and fall back onto the bed, crying some more.

Kevin sits and talks me down from crying and I grab a new change a clothes, my foundation and concealer, and my straightener so I can get ready.


"Welcome students welcome! Okay, before we begin, we're going to go around and learn about everyone. If we're going to pair up, you need to know if you will be compatable with the group we put you with."

We go around the room and begin with a boy with long hair pulled into a pony tail.

"Hello," woah his voice is deep, "my name is Avi Kaplan. I am a beatboxer." He laughs," and, no. I am not related to Professor Kaplan." That statement everyone loved because literally everyone laughed.

Boy Next Door      (Scömíche)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя