"And, were married."

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"Yes! Oh my god yes!"
He puts the ring on a necklace chain and puts it around my neck.
I looked around at my friends,"Did you guys know about this?"
They all laugh and shrug.
The crowd it going absolutely crazy.
He pulls my into a long kiss and I wrap my hands around his waist.
"I love you!" I say into the kiss.
He pulls away," I love you to, Mitch."
They bring down the trophy and hand it to Avi and Kirstie, also congratulating us.
This day couldn't be better.
After we were told to exit the stage for the millionth time, but final time, Scott and everyone else's parents run to me and Scott crying and hugging us.
"Scott, your proposal was beautiful." Avis mom gushed.
"My son is very happy to have you." My dad tells Scott.
"Oh, and Mitchy?"
"There's a limo waiting outside to go take us for sushi." He explains.
I kiss him," you're such a dork."
"But I'm your dork."
After were dropped off back at our hotel, we rush into the door.
"This was the best financial decision we've made yet, besides your ring." He laughs.
We set up the camera and lighting.
(We're making a YouTube channel)
"What should we name it?" I ask loudly.
I go to open the refrigerator and take and apple out.
"SUPERFRUIT!" He blurts out.
"Excuse mwah?"
"Our YouTube name! Superfruit!"
I laugh at him after biting into the apple," How did you possible come up with that?"
"Well my superhero, you, went to go get some fruit sooo.. superfruit!"
I laugh uncontrollably at him.
"You're silly."
I turn on the camera and rush onto the bed.
"Hi! Welcome to Supefruit the BEST show on the Internet. My names Scott." I look around not sure what to say. "And.. I'm Mitch?"
And in sync we say," and together, we're married!"

In the video, we introduced ourselfs and about how we won The Sing Off and blah blah blah.

After were done, Scott insists on him editing the video.
This should be interesting.
A few hours pass and I hear, "I DID IT!"
I get off the bed and crawl into his lap.
"Watch!" He insists.

After it's over, I'm amazed.
"You did great! Wow
"Should I upload it
I nod, "and post it to PTX's Twitter account."
"Alright," he states," but first things first."
He crawls on top of me kissing at my neck.
"Just out of curiosity, how many times have we.. Done it?"
He laughs," it?"
"Yes! It." I huff," Like you take-" he stops me," I know what you said, I just wanted to hear you say it. It's cute."
I hit his chest," seriously!"
He counts on his fingers.
"Uh, 21?"
"Continue." He pulls his shirt off and kisses my neck.
"Scott, Mitch." I hear knocking at the door. Then it opens.
"Hey, we have an interview and you-" he slams his hands against his eyes," guys more warning? I didn't know you guys were.. Naked."
He shuts the door,"Sorry Avi!" Scott yells.
We both jump up and get on boxers and a shirt.
"We have an interview?"I ask him.
"I guess so? They probably told them after we left."
I grab his face," Hello husband." And his lips meet mine.
When we arrive, the building reads, People Mag.
"You guys ready?" Kirstie asks.
We all nod and me and Scott interlock hands, swinging them back and forth.
"Hey guys!" The interviewer, Megan, says.
"Hello!" We reply.
"So, get situated, then we can all get started!"
We all grab a water and find a comfortable seat.
"You guys ready?" She asks.
"Yep!" Scott replies for us all.
"So! I'm here with Pentatonix! How does it feel to win The Sing Off?"
"Yeah, I was so nervous! I was like, "Please us please us!"  Kevin tells her.
"I mean," I begin,"don't get us, Afro Blue was really great!"
They all nod.
"What were your parents reactions?"
"God, they were all beyond excited and proud!" Kirstie tells her.
"Yeah definitely." Avi and Scott say.
"So besides winning, there was another victory!" She looks between me and Scott.
"So, how did you to meet, anyways?"
We look at each other as he pecks my cheek before grabbing my hand and turning back to her.
"It all started when I moved in with Kirstie."
Wow guys. Wow.
Thank you all for the views, likes, and support!
I wouldn't have to motivation to finish this if it wasn't for y'all.  I hope you at least enjoyed the ending. It was a little rushed, but it had to be. Thank you all again, so much.
Stay great.
I love you.

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