"Sorry, who?"

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S: Sorry, who?

M: the one you gave your number to?

S: I give my number to a lot of people.

I decide not to text him back.
At least not right now.
But of course, my phone buzzes.

S: I'm just kidding.
How could I forget the kid who busted his nose?

Oh. My. God.

M: haha. Yeah..

S: no. I'm kidding again. Actually, I could never forget that cute face.

I feel a blush begin to creep up.
Thank god he can't see it.

M: me? Pfftt. Look at you.

S: whatever. But hey, it's like 12:59. I'm heading to bed. Text you tomorrow?

I send him a quick "yeah, goodnight." Text followed by a heart emoji.

S: goodnight, cuteness. 💋

I sigh and shake my head at the phones as if he could actually see it.
I check and make sure rocky has food and water.
"Good night, Kirstie."
She rushes in and piles me with a hug and kiss on the cheek.
"Goodnight sweet cheeks!" She turns around, "Literally! Have you not seen your cheeks! If only Jeremy had those cheeks!"
I chuckle at her,"Yes. I live with them everyday. And there's always plastic surgery! But seriously, there nothing good. Just cheeks."
I give her a kiss on her cheek in return.
"Goodnight, Kit."
She hugs me one last time.
But she's not done.
"Did you talk to blondie?"
I scoff at her. "You mean Scott?" She gives me a mean look,"Yes actually. We just had a quick chat."
She pulls me on to the couch.
"Tell me! Tell me!" She jumps up and down excitedly.
I roll my eyes at her and move my bangs.
"Just the norm. Nothing special. He just thinks I'm cute. That's all."
She laughs,"Well, me and Jeremy are going out tomorrow so you will have the house all by yourself."
She gets up to walk away.
She looks back at me to make sure I'm looking and makes a sexual action.
I go to chase after her, but she grabs Rocky and runs to her room.
"YOU GUYS WILL BE ABLE TO GET IT ON!!" She yells from the room.
I sigh in defeat and let out a little laugh.
What would I do without my Kirstie?
I wake up to a knock on my door.
I open my eyes and I feel my pupils being dilated.
I quickly rub my hands over my eyes.
She chuckles,"I'm sorry, did I wake the sleeping beauty?"
I groan and stifle a laugh, meaning yes.
"Well I'm sorry." She opens the doors and walks in.
I frantically grab and pull the blanket over me, acting as if I'm naked.
"Ah! I'm so sorry!" She goes to back out until, for some reason even though it wasn't that funny, I bust out laughing, causing me to fall off the bed.
"I'm kidding I'm kidding!"
Now I'm crying.
Happy tears of course.
She comes and playfully, but very hard, slaps me on the back.
"Loser!" She huffs,"anywhore, I'm leaving now. So if you want to have the tall," she stops herself,"Scott over, you can."
She rushes over to me and kisses my cheek.
I scoff at her.
"I love you to, blueberry!"
"Have lots of fun with Jeremy."
I give her a playful wink.
"Oh!" I call out before she walks out of the door,"USE PROTECTION!"
"UGH! Whatever, dad!"
"Hey hey now!"
She laughs before slamming the door closed.
I know I say this every time, but I sure as hell love her.
I decided to get dressed and ready to go to the mall.
I know what you're already thinking.
To see Scott.
Helllll no, boo.
Not to see Scott.
Just to go to the mall.
I mean, can I not do that?
I put on a plaid button down that flares out with a long sleeved black shirt underneath. Along with black leggings and low cut boots. 
I look at myself in the mirror.
Damn I look good.
I grab my keys before telling Rocky goodbye and heading out the door.
I go through the Dillard's doors to avoid the food court.
Told you I wasn't trying to see him.
My stomach began to growl at me.
"No! Nonono. We are NOT heading to the food court. Scott's there."
But my stomach rumbles again.
God dammit.
I make my way to the food court trying to avoid Sushi Castle.
I look around at my options.
Hell no.
Taco Bell?
Ehhhh, no.
Oooooh. Panda Express.
But, no.
but it rumbles for sushi.
Or maybe for Scott.
Even if I didn't want sushi, Scott already spotted me.
Fuck stomach thanks.
He begins to wave me over.
God, that tall perfect, stupid, blonde.
I take a long deep breath before bringing myself over there to him.

I begin to wave Mitch over here.
Why is he here?
My mind begins to think its for me but I keep trying to push the thought away.
I ask John to take over my shift as I make my way towards Mitch.

He asks same tall, emo looking douchebag go take over his shift.
My stomach turns in knots and the butterflies begin.
Maybe I'm longing for him.
Maybe not.
But all signs are pointing for the words,"Longing".
"Uh- hey.." I say.
Great Mitch. 10/10.
That wasn't awkward at all.
"Hey Mitchy."
Literally only Kirstie calls me that.
Nobody else ever has. Not even my mom or dad.
"So..what's up?"
Jesus Christ Mitch.
Stop being awkward.
I take a quick, unnoticeable deep breath and pull myself together.
It's hard when the butterflies are still flying.
"Oh nothing. Just looking around the food court and just so happened to see your beautiful face." I begin to blush but he continued his sentence. I hope he isn't noticing.
"What brings you here?"
I have to lie.
Well, I'm not technically lying.
I wasn't here to see him.
"Just um-.. Hanging out?"
He raises his eyebrow and giggles at me.
"Alright Mitch. So, there's this New Year's Eve party tonight.
Care to join me?"
Is he asking me on a date?
No. People casually ask their friends this.
But are we even friends?
"Ah, I'm sorry. I don't do well with parties and parties don't do well with me."
A big grin comes across the boys face.
It's big and wide and brings out all of his features.
I love it.
Brain what was that sentence?
Can you repeat it?
I. Love. It.
Fuck. That's what I thought.
"Well, do you care to join me in watching some fireworks and bring in the new year with me?"
That's it.
I blush hella crazy.
I try not to sound to excited.
"Yeah! Sure!"
Fuck Mitch.
"I mean, yeahhhh. Sure why not? I have like you know, no plans at all. It should be fun."
He nods his head,"Alright! Sounds like a deal!"
He goes in and hugs me.
"I'll text you when my shift is over." He looks at his watch.
"Pick you up at, 6:30?"
I nod and I feel a big grin plastered onto my face.
He notices because he gives me one in return.
I watch him as he walks away.
He turns around and waves at me.
I wave back.
Now I feel it.
The butterflies have multiplied.

So guys! I thought,"what a great time of the year to write this sorry! New year is actually tonight. (Well when I publish this, it won't be 😂)
Sorry for publishing late! I went to GA for New Years.
I hope you guys had a great one!
Comment some ideas. That would be 🙌🏻.
Please comment, vote, and share!
Thank you, lovelies!
-Ashlynn 🌙

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