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"He liked us!" I shout practically fangirling.

They just laugh at me.

"We have more serious things like how were performing tomorrow?"

Fuck. Fuck.

I think Scott can see the worry in my eyes because he leans over and kisses me cheek," it's going to okay. You even heard Deke, he said you sounded like an angel."

I scoff," and? Anyttthhiinnngggg could happen! I could have a voice crack! That's irreversible!"

"It's okay, alright Mitchy?" Avi says, "But we need to keep arranging E.T. By Katy Perry. We've been working on it for a few weeks and we're JUST starting to sound good. So let's take the rest of the day and really work on it, okay?" We all nod and agree and Kevin and Avi start us off.


"We sound great." Scott tells me.

I just nod. I don't want to say a word.

We're at the studio, having makeup put on our faces. I'm as nervous as could be. But I know I have to make the best of it.
I get a text from my mom:
Nel: I'm so sorry Mitchy honey that I couldn't make it. I'll be watching on tv though!

Great! Just what I needed.
"Pentatonix?" A tall blonde headed girls asked.
"Mhnn?" We all reply.
"They're ready for you."
She waits at the door as we all stand up and pass her.
Honestly, our outfits are ridiculous. Who even dressed us?
As we wait to be announced onto the stage, Scott grabs my cheek.
"It's gonna be fine, alright? You are totally going to sl*y it!"
He kisses my forehead as I laugh, my anxiety level lowering.
"Wow!" Says a voice I recognize but can't exactly put a face to it.
"That was an amazing performance! But now, from Kaplan U.V., please welcome Pentatonix!"
We all walk out on the stage and get into our spots.
Oh! The familiar voice was sarah!
Oh my god.
Deke is here.. Wait.. What?! Next to my mom?
She gives me and excited wave and points at Deke and my dad.
My anxiety is gone. All of it.
Hell, I've got this!
Scott is right, I'm going to SL*AY IT.
We are going to slay it.
Kevin starts out then Avi comes in, syncing their sounds to sound like one.
"I've got a dirty mind," is where we begin.
But before I know it, we've finished the song, the crowd applauding.
My mom, dad, and Deke cheering.
I spot Kirstie and Scott's parents.
They're cheering and hollering.
I'm not sure about Kevin and Avis parents, but im sure their proud of their sons.
As we walks off the stage, and yes with sass, adrenaline is coursing through my veins.
We all high five, but then hug.
"That was amazing!" I applaud.
"Right?!" Kirstie says.
"I told you that we'd slay it!"
Esther comes and congratulates us.
I love her so much.
"That was great, Kirstie!" My mother runs to Kirstie, hugging and kissing her cheek.
"And Scott! Good to see you again!"
My dad places a hand in his shoulder," you rocked it!"
Then deke comes in. Oh my god.
"Wow! You guys were.. Wow!" He laughs and comes to hug us.
"I mean yeah I was expecting to be blown away, but I mean i was really blown away!"
I'm guessing it's Avis parents because they immediately rush over to him, suffocating him with hugs.
The tall blonde, I learned her name was Tiffany, comes back in again.
"Sorry to break this up, but we need you all back out there for scores."
Our parents hug us and Deke wishes us good luck.
We did pretty good in all of the other categories, but now it's overall.
"Yellowjackets out of a possible 30, 19."
She pauses as they all applaud and they continue," Afro Blue out of a possible 30, 27." Pauses for applaud," and last Pentatonix, out of a possible 30,28."
We waited for over 20 groups, but I was happy for the wait.
We came in 2nd place over all that round, so we're advancing.
A few weeks later:
Deke is also is to judge this final competition.
We've made it so far.
This is still unbelievable to me.
To us.
There has been so many great A Capella groups that have come, but yet we still managed to beat them.
"For visual performance, Pentatonix, out of a possible 30,28."
It was my idea to do,"Video Killed the Radio Star".
So I'm very happy.
"For vocal arrangement out of a possible 30,29."
We might actually win!
"With a total score of 29,"
There's a long pause.
It feels like years.
We're up against Afro Blue.
They are pure amazing.
We all hold hands, forming a line.
I can feel Scott's hands shaking along with mine.
The crowd roars.
We let out a squeal and hug all in a group.
Me and Scott start crying, Kirstie choking back her tears, Avi and Kevin just hugging the hell out of us.
"How does it feel?!" Deke asks over the microphone.
"Great! So great!" I reply, wiping tears from my eyes.
Then Sarah joins in," you all did so well! You may exit the stage to see your loved ones."
We all run off stage, departing to go see our family.
I look to see Kirstie and her parents just crying and chatting.
I see Scott's parents doing the same thing. They see me looking and walk my way c
"Mitchell, your voice is so.. Wow. Your voice and Scott's riffs go together so perfectly!"
"Thank you so much." I tell him.
Then Avi and Kevin's parents make their way toward Kirstie, Scott, and I.
"You all did so well!" Avis mom exclaims.
"Mom," Avi begins," this is Mitch,Scott, Kirstie, and well, you know Kevin."
She hugs us all before Kevin's mom can.
After meeting their parents, I finally rush over to mine.
"Okay sorry for the wait! But sorry again because," I point over to the stage," I have,we, have to go back to the stage." They laugh and hug me.
"You did great son." My dads eyes tear up.
"Thanks dad."
A few minutes later were reappearing onto the stage to collect the trophy.
"Wait," Scott interrupts," before we receive this trophy," Scott walks closer to me and grabs my hands," Mitchell, in a week, and 5 hours to be exact, to be specific, we will have been dating for a year. And to most of you," he looks up to the crowd ," it doesn't seem like that long, but it has been a roller coaster ride. A hell of a good one. I've seen you at your best, but I've also see you at your worst. I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile, hell I've seen you very sick. But no matter what, my love for you grows more and more every single day. And that's why I want to know," my hands fly over my mouth.
He's gonna propose.
Tears spill from my eyes like a non stop waterfall.
"Will you marry me?"

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