"And the winner is.."

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This time, nobody slept in.
We were all wide awake an hour before we even had to be.
Kirstie,Avi,and Scott had crashed at me and Kevin's dorm so we didn't have to worry about them not waking up or anything.
"Guys, today is the day." Says Avi.
"I know I know. I'm super excited. I could barley sleep last night."
We all laugh at Scott and I turn to him,"Yeah, I know. Your screen light kept me up for a bit."
He kinda shys away.
I give him a big hug and snicker. "It's fine babbyyy." I tell him.
"Wait, we need a name for our group." Kirstie informs us.
We've been so caught up, we didn't think of a name!
"Okay um.. Aca tonix? No no.." Avi just sits there and keeps thinking, until he happily bounces out of his seat.
"PENTATONIX! Because there's 5 of us which is "Penta" then to Tonix just for fun!"
We all give him a hug and thank him for congratulating him for the name.
"Guys," Kevin interrupts,"it's time to go."
I can feel all of the nervous tension in the room as we grab our things and head out.
"Hello everyone!" A lady with long brown hair announced.
We all wave and greet her back.
"My name is Sara Bareilles." She points over to two other men," and this is Shawn Stockmen and Ben Folds."
"Hey everyone." They say in sync.
"So, I'm guessing you all know why we're here," all of us nod," but I'm going to tell you anyways." She flashes a big, wide, beautiful smile.
"Out of the 20 groups here, I'll only be taking one with me to compete against 15 other A Capella groups. Are y'all ready?"
We all cheer and continue on with the auditions.
It took 4 hours, and a hella lot of amazing A Capella groups, but were finally up.
"Next up is, Pentatonix! The members including, Mitch Grassi, Scott Hoying, Kevin Olusula, and Kirstin Taylor Maldonado!"
We all walk up to the stage and take a deep, needed breath.
"Please tell everyone the song you will be singing."
Scott answers, "Problem, by Ariana Grande."
They all clap and leave it up to us to wow them with out performance.
"We want to thank you all for the amazing show you put on today. We will send the results to your instructor in about 2 weeks."
The Ben steps in,"Again, thank you all so much for all of the hard work put into this. And just remember, if you don't make it, it doesn't mean your bad!"
We all exchange goodbyes as they walk out of the building.
The following 2 weeks had been of constant worrying and wondering "did we make it?" We kept practicing and practicing until we thought we sounded good enough.

The day of results:
Wow. It's the day.
And I'm way more nervous than the day we had to audition. We all planned just t meet each other in the classroom because the anticipation was just tearing us apart.

When we arrived, everyone looked like walking zombies.
I mean, this is very important to everyone, because if we win and go to The Sing Off, it could be the start of our life.
It's.. So crazy.
"Okay! I know this is the day you all have been clearly waiting for." He holds up a medium sized envelope.
"In here are the results. Now, if you don't make it, don't beat yourself up about it. There's always next year."
Easy for you to say. You're not living the anticipation that we all have to live with.
"And.. The winner is.."

1) it was so short (it was a filler)
2) that I left off with a cliffhanger.
Even though it's not technically a cliff hanger.. Yeah.

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