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I can't believe Spooky not only didn't want to have sex with me, but locked me in this damn room for three damn hours. It's about 4:00 in the afternoon according to the cable box. I'm hungry and honestly just waiting for Zeke to find me and take me home. I didn't sleep at all last night because of those latex ties irritating and breaking my skin. Now that I think about it, I think the Benedryl is starting to wear off because I'm starting to feel tingly on my wrists and ankles.

There was a nice outfit laid out on the bed when I first got out the shower but he took it with him when he left. I probably shouldn't have wagged my hair in his face like that. The point is he took the clothes, leaving me with just this wet towel. My ass is gon smell like straight mildew--and sweat because the door is closed, allowing no circulation--whenever he decides to bring his stupid ass back.

Oh and did I mention he handcuffed me to the bed rail? That's probably why my wrist is starting to feel weird again. It's probably going to break my skin even more. When my boredom reached it's absolute peak, I struggled to reach the remote off the bedside table.

"What you doing?" I looked over to see that girl...can't remember her name.

"What does it look like? I'm curing cancer." I told her. "Gracías for opening the door, it's hot as fuck in here."

"Valentina, my name is Valentina." She said.

"Would you be offended if I said I didn't care?"

"No, I just figured out your name not too long ago. So we both agree that we're irrelevant to each other then, yes?" She grabbed the remote off the bedside table and gave it to me. "You smell like a man..and wet towels..and sweat."

"Correction; I smell like Ghost, wet towels and sweat. Don't you people pay the air conditioning bill in this bitch..oh I'm sorry; puta?"

"Oh it gets paid, but sometimes it's better to watch others suffer." She said. She started to walk out the door and close it.

"Wait! I know a little Spanish." I told her. "I just don't feel like speaking it right now."

That's why it entices me when a guy knows other languages, it gives him something to teach me.

"You think I could borrow some of your soap next time I take a shower?" I asked laughing.

"Maybe, you just have to answer me a couple questions." She came and sat at the end of the bed.

"Continuar," I said as I tightened the towel around me and sat up. I had to twist my arm around a little so it wouldn't lock up on me.

"Who's Vic?" She whispered.

"Why are we whispering? More importantly, how do you know Vic?"

"I do not, I found some paper that had his picture on it. In it he was facing in different directions, holding up a little board.."

Gosh, this chick is so foreign and confused.

"It was a mugshot, Valentina." I told her. I was not about to explain to her what a damn mugshot is.

"Oh, well Ghost keeps making weird phone calls and a few minutes ago he actually had someone in the office and they were whispering about something."

"If you're his..whatever you are to him, then why doesn't he keep you in the loop?" I asked her with an eyebrow cocked. Something is fishy about this whole conversation.

"I'm just a nurse and a distraction. I'm just trying to save up enough money to get me and my daughter out of here."

I looked at her.

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