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"Why are you posting job ads? You're not an employer."

"Why do you exist? Like, seriously."

Vic plopped down behind me on the bed, lying down and propping his head up on the palm of his hand. "You gotta ask my mama that one."


"Entertain me, I'm bored."

"Where's Val?" I submitted the job posting, saying a prayer afterwards. This was the fifth site I had posted on. This had to work.

"She said I play too much." He chuckled. "Seriously, what are you doing?"

"I'm saving lives."

"That could mean anything."

"Are you always this nosey?"

"I told you I'm bored. Sasha went home, Val at work, Bri taking a nap-"

"Okay fine! Graham's main reason for being reluctant to be the witness was because Malena shouldn't have been authorized to just come in the way she did. Pilgrims is gonna get shut down - it's inevitable, so I'm gonna open up a new facility in the area in place of it. Those people need a place to go. I just need backing...a lot of backing."

"And where are you gonna get this 'backing'?"

"My dad - well, stepdad. I call him dad. He's my dad."

"Who's your dad?"

"Xavier Reynolds."

He blinked. "Your dad is Xavier Reynolds? Like the Xavier Reynolds? The rich one? The one shitting Benjamins?"

"I take it you've heard of him." I stated, bored.

"You know you're rich, right?"

"I'm sure his bowels are normal. My parents are rich. I like to make my own money and minimum wage doesn't cut it."

"Respect. Were you saving up for something in particular?" He asked.

"You'll make fun of me if I tell you."

"Probably, but tell me anyway."

"I wanted to open up some kind of office or center. But after everything happened, there's no way somebody would step foot in my office. Plus I'm not even right in the head myself." I chuckled, trying to think of another job website I could post my ad on.

"Dumbass. Didn't we tell you we help people? That's why you're gonna be with us. You smart but you dumb at the same time."

"You know you're not really a gentle person."

"You knew I was gonna make fun of you, so don't front. You may have some issues of your own, but you got a good heart. And besides Zeke, you're good at reading people. And in certain lighting you don't look that bad."

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks,"

"Just stating facts. Elliot's not with you just because you got a fat ass."

"Charming." I grinned sarcastically. "Speaking of Big Elly-"

"Oh no, I'm leaving." He started to sit up.

"Wait. Do you think he's jealous of Kenny?"

He stared at me. "Remember when I said you were smart but dumb at the same time? This is why."

"You know what, never mind. I have to meet my dad for dinner, so can you take me?"

"Nah, but call ya boy. He'll take you."

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