A Million Ways to Lose a Million Dollars

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The two rode in the water taxi, and once it hit the beach they raced to the airport. Once they arrived, they raced in and grabbed their tickets, before heading onto the plane.

Dual Confessional: Scarlett: "Of course I think we can win."

Ariel: "Yeah, we made it this far. I don't doubt our ability."

The plane landed, and they all ran out to the Don Box. Scarlett grabbed the tip. "It's an All In. Who's ready to face the traffic?" she read. "Fun fact. Last team to arrive is pretty much doomed.

They ran to where the taxis were parked, and Ariel quickly got into the driver seat. "You think you can drive in this?"

"Yeah." Ariel replied.

Confessional: Ariel: "I've been to New York before. Driving is a pain! My plan is to just follow the cadets."

They immediately took off, following the cadets as they raced around corners and streets.

"You're following the cadets? Not a bad plan." Scarlett said. "But I'll keep looking at the map, in case they take a wrong turn."

Confessional: Scarlett: "Of course we want to win. After Ariel got second to Sky in Pahkitew, to come this close only to lose again would be horrible."

The Ice Dancers soared by. "The Ice Dancers!" Scarlett explained.

"Hold onto something." he replied, and he and Sanders, both stepped on the gas.

Eventually as they kept driving, they ran into a traffic jam, and MacArthur looked at her window back at them. "What are you two doing?"

"Interested forming a temporary alliance to make sure the Ice Dancers go home?" Scarlett asked, and she smirked. She looked back at Sanders and after a minute she reappeared and nodded.

"But this is until they get eliminated. If one of us wins, we don't have to split the million."

"Deal!" Scarlett replied.

MacArthur then stuck her head out of the window and started imitating a police siren. Sanders followed shortly after, and were able to make a path, which both teams drove through.

Once they reached the Empire State Building, Ariel looked around and gasped. "There's nowhere to park!"

"Who cares, just stop here." Scarlett replied, and he shook his head.

"No, I think I saw a spot a few cars back.

They quickly drove around, and sure enough there was a spot. "Come on!" Scarlett said, and they hopped out and ran to the building, arriving at the same time as the Cadets.

"Did he make you look for a parking space?" MacArthur asked, and Scarlett nodded.

"Just come on!" Sanders said, and they all began climbing.

As they climbed, they were passed by the Surfers going down.

"Hey guys!"

"What's up?"

"No time to chat!" MacArthur replied.

"We're coming for you next!" Sanders said, as they continued.

They ran in just as the Ice Dancers were leaving, and Ariel grabbed the tip.

"Central Park!"

"Let's go!"

They ran out, and the Ice Dancers had taken the Cadets' taxi.

Ariel and Scarlett ran to theirs, and began to take off, and as they passed the building, MacArthur stopped them. "Alliance, remember? We're coming with you! We're going to beat those Ice Dancers." she said, and Ariel nodded, before MacArthur got in front with Ariel, and Sanders and Scarlett got in the back. 'Hope you know how to drive irresponsibly!"

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