Woah whut? An update???

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The sun shone brightly down on the seemingly endless lake. I looked at my reflection in the water. I smiled. What a mess I was. Oh well. I walked away from the water's edge and into the forest. While walking, I heard footsteps behind me. They sounded rushed and the person's breathing was rapid. They were panicked. I stopped and turned around, sword unsheathed. A girl with shoulder length, light brown hair, a dark grey t shirt, and jeans showed up. I smiled. "Hey, whatcha running from?" I asked. "Oh nothing, just a pack of mad wolves." She replied. I nodded slowly. "Maybe the wolves aren't your worst case scenario today.." I said in a soft tone. "What do you mean?" She asked. I easily dashed in front of her and thrust my sword through her stomach. She let out a soul wrenching scream. "One last thing. What's your name, love?" I asked sweetly. '"S-Stormy.." She mumbled before going limp.

I watched him murder another innocent person. I wouldn't have gotten there in time to save her. I felt horrible. "Hey, Trooper! Quit being a snoopy bastard!" He shouted in my direction. "Crap nuggets." I mumbled. I left my perch on top of the tree and sprinted as fast as I could back to the house. First the squids, then Herobrine, now him. Oohh boy..

Whaaaatt?!?!?!? What's this?!?!?! *whispers* I'm back into the fandom yo! Iz continuing book!


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