Chapter Two

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Day 2 – Friday

|| Nate Smith (NateWantsToBattle)||

I should be ashamed of myself. I haven't done anything all day except lie on my bed and stare at my phone. I would say I've just been scrolling through various social networking sites but I'm honestly just waiting—hoping—for Morgan to text me. I texted her last night; I told her I found a place and that I already miss her. I guess I should have done better if I want her to text me back. And fuck, she's all I've been thinking about. I never even bothered to upload that gameplay video I did last night; I didn't have the motivation to do anything else but to wait for her, for anything that concerns her.

I didn't really have to rent a hotel room or a new apartment, though. I've already bought a new apartment a month ago, a larger one that I haven't told Morgan about. I was going to tell her that we can move here, where the location was a lot better, when I finish up adding furniture. I figured a larger place would be better for us since our—Morgan's current apartment is getting pretty crowded. Plus, this location is great—it's less noisy and less compact. It has a lounge, large enough to hold a lot of guests and it even has two bedrooms. I always thought the spare bedroom could be our office or a guest room or some shit. It has a large kitchen, too, with a dining room right next to it. There are two bathrooms, both fully functional, of course. Hell, even the windows are larger than those in our—Morgan's current apartment. This could have been perfect for us.

But, clearly, I don't really have to tell Morgan I bought a new place for us. Her current apartment will be less crowded without all of my shit.

I drop my phone by my side and proceed to cover my face with my hands. Why is this happening to me? What did I do wrong, Morgan? Maybe I got too busy. Maybe our spark isn't as bright as before. This just doesn't feel right. And I need to be there with her because I'm afraid of her being all alone. I want her to feel how much I love her. Morgan, I don't want a break from you.

Then, my phone rings. It startles me at first but I quickly pick up, immediately assuming that it's Morgan calling me. "Morgan?" I ask as soon as I bring the phone up to my ear.

"It's me, lover boy," I hear my best friend, Hunter Hughes, say from the other end of the line, "Face it man, she's not going to call you."

"Don't be like that; there's still a chance," I protest, "What do you want?"

"Just checking up on you," Hunter says, "I thought you'd feel better now but, damn, you sound just as bad as you did last night."

"How the fuck do you expect me to feel better in less than 24 hours?" I ask him, quite angrily, "She wasn't some toy I lost at the mall."

"Okay, geez, calm down," Hunter continues, apologizing, "But seriously, dude, you'll have to let go sooner or later. You'll just hurt yourself even more."

"I told you; it's just a break, we'll be back together again—"

"I know, dude, but you need to try just in case she's serious about leaving. You have to be realistic. We're here for you," he says, sounding genuinely sincere before sounding like an asshole again, "Besides, they're a lot of other girls out there. We can go find you someone else—"

"Goddamn it, Hunter, no," I say, chuckling, "She'll come back. We'll work this out."

"Hey, it's bound to happen, so why prolong?"

"Stop it."

"C'mon, don't be a baby—!"

"Good-bye, Hunter," I say before hanging up on him. I should be angry at his offer but I know he's just trying to make me feel better. He's right, though, Morgan sounded so serious about... ending it. But, fuck, it hurts like hell just thinking about it.

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