Chapter Seven

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"Go Back"

Day 5 – Monday

||Nate Smith (NateWantsToBattle)||

Dawn almost punched a hole right through my television when I woke her up and told her about the news. When she heard what had happened, she practically flew to the lounge in her green pajamas just in time to catch a glimpse of the last few seconds of the flash report. To say that she's angry is an understatement; she's absolutely fuming and I can almost see smoke.

"What the fuck is going on?!" Dawn exclaims as she slumps down on the sofa, her arms crossed and her head down. "First it was MatPat, and now someone else gets shot?! Now, PewDiePie gets shot?! What's their fucking deal?!"

"I-I wish I knew," I try to reply as calmly as I can so I won't set off this bomb. "M-Maybe it's not the same shooter."

"Bullshit! It has to be!" she shouts at me as her hands fly up in frustration. "It's almost exactly like the night MatPat got shot!"

I stay silent, not being able to think of anything to say that won't make her scream or anything that would make sense to both of us. I just take a seat next to her on the sofa and keep my head low.

Dawn notices my silence and she groans, throwing her hands up to both sides of her head in defeat, "Fuck, why is this happening again? We already saved someone; why did someone get shot again?"

You have no idea how badly I want that answered, too. Fuck, this is torture. We had already witnessed our friend get shot twice and seen him die once. Now, someone we know gets shot again and dies. It's one big fucked up déjà vu. It's almost as if I could even hear the gunshots again, ringing in my ears. I thought it was over?

I raise my head to look at Dawn but I soon realize that she's no longer sitting next to me. I turn around and, soon enough, I find Dawn standing and holding my camera.

"Dawn? What are you doing?" I ask her as I try to suppress the fact that she rudely took my camera without my permission. "Do you really think now's the appropriate time to make a video?"

"I'm not filming, you idiot," she snaps at me angrily as she continues to stare at my camera. "You said you were filming a video when you heard the news right?"

"Yeah," I answer, standing up. "Why? What about it?"

"That means, while you were filming, PewDiePie got shot," she clarifies, "That means we have a video to come back to."

I stare at her in astonishment and, quite frankly, anger, "You're planning to go back to when he was shot? Are you insane? You want us to hear those damn gunshots again? I can barely sleep because of those!"

"Then don't come along," she says plainly, still staring, "I don't need your help."

"But you can't go back without my help," I declare without actually believing it in hopes that she'll give up but she's steady as a rock. I watch her in silence for a few seconds but nothing happens no matter how hard she looks or tries.

Dawn growls in frustration before grabbing my arm and dragging me next to her, "Then help me the hell out. Don't you want to help save him? Save anyone we can?"

"I don't want to hear those gunshots again!" I almost shout at her, "I've gone through enough—!"

"I don't want to lose anyone to these incidents as long as we can help!" Dawn shouts right back, her voice almost cracking. I look at her and her face looks softer than before, as if she was finally begging for me to help. She glues her eyes to me, pleading.

REWIND: Tampered (Youtube FanFiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ