Chapter Twelve

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"Found You"

Day 10 – Saturday

||Dawn Watson (CreatedAtDusk)||

It's hard to believe that, a week ago today, I woke up in this place, confused and disoriented. I remember opening my eyes and actually expecting to see a higher power (or probably Satan, to be honest). I woke up with barely any memory about the night before except for a man's voice and the sickening dread of possibly dying right then and there. That day, I met Nathan Smith, a complete stranger who just wanted to do well and help someone in need—someone that he didn't know would become his companion in all this time travelling shit.

A week ago today, I was picked up at the side of the road by a passerby. Now, I'm cooking a lousy meal for three in his kitchen. Now, I'm basically trying to emotionally support both him and Daniel Howell.

I can hear the noise coming from the television in the lounge—noise that neither of them are probably listening to. It drowns the silence in this nearly dead place; as it should, because I can count on one hand all the words that were exchanged in this place yesterday. The hysteria yesterday's incident caused basically gave way to sensory deprivation.

I can't blame them, of course. Nate barely said a word after the doctor declared Hunter Hughes dead on arrival. He would occasionally nod as a response but that was it. Dan was further pushed into a pit of despair when I told him about what happened to Hunter and a ton of other victims.

Those poor people didn't even know what hit them. I could only search up a few names of the victims—Max Gonzalez, Charlie McDonnell, Lily Singh, Matthew Santoro. They all met the same fate as MatPat and Phil. They thought they were all safe since they were far from California but they were proven wrong by whatever magic this sick fuck has up his sleeve. It drove everyone nuts, to say the least, and made almost all of them lock themselves in their homes.

No one has a clue about who he could be targeting next but his last victims were more than enough for Nate and I to conclude than his targets are YouTubers, no matter how big you are on YouTube. We only exchanged a few words about it yesterday before I lost him again to his thoughts. Nonetheless, that realization made my fear of the unknown sky rocket.

As I lose myself in my thoughts, I suddenly hear someone clearing their throat behind me. Startled, I turn around, ready to hit anyone on sight when I see Nate leaning against the wall next to the door to the lounge, still wearing the black shirt he wore yesterday along with a pair of grey pajamas. He has his arms crossed and his head down, but what really caught my attention are the items he's holding.

I try to peek into the lounge to see if Dan is still sitting on the sofa—and he is—before speaking up, "Uh, do you need anything, Nate?"

Nate doesn't respond to my question. Instead, he starts walking towards me, his head still down as he refuses to look at me. This is the first time he has spoken to me—no, acknowledged my presence—today and it's starting to concern me more than it probably should.

"Nathan?" I ask again as he stops in front of me. I eye the items he has in his hands and realize that they are photos, "What are those? Can I see them?"

Nate gives me the photos as a response, and I take them immediately. My heart begins pounding once I realize that I've seen these photos before—the photos the police officer showed us yesterday. I quickly flip through the other pages as fast as I can until I can confirm that these are, in fact, the photos from yesterday.

I look up, trying to control my voice so I don't startle Dan in the other room, "Why do you have these? How?! These are crime scene photos—evidences! Do you realize what you've done?! This is stealing—!"

REWIND: Tampered (Youtube FanFiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora