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"Here To Help"

Day 17 - Saturday

||Dawn Watson (CreatedAtDusk)||

It has been more than a week since VidCon ended but I'm still in California, and, to be honest, I feel a bit down when I think about leaving. I have to, of course, in a few days because I'm technically only here on vacation. Plus, Dan and Phil will have my head if I don't come home to them soon. They never fail to call or message me to ask how I'm doing and when I'm coming back.

It's strange, though, because I remember those calls and messages. I remember most of what happened before that night when I woke up crying but I feel like some small memories are missing and some feel odd and different. Stephanie always catches me in a daze whenever I stop to try to comprehend what I can remember. Whenever she would ask about what's bothering me, I can never give her an answer that I know is true.

Some memories even bring the feeling of lost and dread. They run through me, causing cold sweat, but I don't understand why. So far, I've had a blast in LA. VidCon was a success, as usual, and I was finally part of it. I didn't have a panel of my own but I was able to meet so many people that I once only dreamed of meeting in person. Felix, Smosh, Ryan Higa, Jenna Marbles, Gassy Mexican-I can only name a few before I burst. They're all such sweethearts. MatPat was even able to introduce me to Markiplier and Jacksepticeye over dinner and I cannot thank him enough for that.

Though, I heard from police reports on the news that this year's YouTube Convention went "safely"-not a word I'd immediately use to describe it. Apparently, they were led to believe that something might happen at VidCon but they were wrong. I'm actually glad they were, but I'm thankful because they had the heart to add more security to the venue.

Sadly, not everyone got to experience the joy of this year's convention like I did. Some YouTubers, like Dan and Phil, weren't able to fly here and meet all these lovely people. I even heard from Stephanie that another YouTuber in LA got into a car accident before the event; she said he was Matt's friend.

Bummer. I wish I could have met him during VidCon. Stephanie told me he was a nice guy.

Suddenly, I hear the front door to Matt and Steph's house open. Skip runs out to greet MatPat, probably, leaving me in the lounge with Mario Kart 8 staring right at me. Stephanie's in the kitchen making snacks and Jason left the lounge a few minutes prior.

"Glad you could come over, buddy, and we're glad to have you back," I hear MatPat say. He probably went out to pick someone up. "We're in need of a fourth player in Mario Kart 8, too."

I hear Matt's companion laugh, "I'm glad to be out, too. I might get bedsores."

Footsteps begin to grow until I see Matt enter the lounge, still looking back at his companion, "Is she going to get mad because you're already out and not resting?"

"Nah, don't worry," I hear the man say in reply. "You know how we are nowadays. She still cares but we're not really much of a couple anymore for her to tell me what I can and cannot do."

Matt looks concerned, "Did she end it with you?"

"I guess you could say that," I hear the man say. "We talked about it and somehow I knew she was only holding on because I'm still in the hospital, recovering."

I see MatPat slowly smile back at him, "I see. Well, today, just enjoy yourself here, okay?"

Soon enough, Matt finally catches my eye and he smiles warmly right before his companion enters the lounge, slightly limping, enough for me to notice. He's quite tall; a bit taller than MatPat. His black hair is neatly styled to one side. He's wearing a Legend of Zelda shirt, too, and a pair of glasses. He even has ear piercings on both ears.

"Hey, Dawn," Matt greets me as he brings himself and the man closer to where I'm sitting. "Is the game ready?"

I nod and stand up politely, "Yup. Ready when you are."

Matt smiles before turning slightly to the man, "Awesome. This is Dawn, by the way. You'll be playing with her against me and Stephanie. Don't worry, we'll go easy on you."

The man then raises his left arm, revealing bandages that I didn't notice before. As a matter of fact, he has a few smaller bandages on his hands and his left temple. "Oh, please. I can take you on with one hand in this game."

Matt lets out a hearty laugh before finally turning to me, "Well Dawn, there you have it. Here's your teammate so play nice!"

Then, the man turns to me and smiles, creating deep dimples on both his cheeks. He runs a hand through his hair shyly before reaching out for a handshake. I take it and I feel warmth-warmth from his hands against mine and warmth running down my body. I welcome the oddly soothing comfort of his presence. I smile back at him, of course.

"I'm Nathan Smith, but just call me Nate," he says, introducing himself with a small chuckle and that genuine smile. "I'm here to help."


That's it. It's over. After months of writing and planning, it's finally real and done.

It could use some work, yes, so I might re-edit it some time in the future but I'm very happy with this story :D

Thank you for reading this until the end! Hopefully, you liked it although it's a bit short :)

I'll let you make your own ending for Nate and Dawn ;)

I got the inspiration for the plot from "Life Is Strange", "To The Moon" and "Steins Gate"!!  Two games and one anime—you should check them out!

Again, thank you so much for taking the time to read this! It really means a lot! I don't think I can thank you enough!

As always, feedbacks are welcome! Vote, comment and share :D

- Eris:)

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