Chapter Eleven

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"No Escape"

Day 9 – Friday

\\ Dawn Watson (CreatedAtDusk) \\

I think I've forgotten what a peaceful morning feels like. It's been, what? A week? A week since I've had a share of peace. It's been a week since the last time I woke up half past noon and not feel like I'm wasting the day. It's been a week since the last time I woke up in my own bedroom in London...a week since Dan, Phil and I were in London together.

It's been almost twenty-four hours since Phil was shot. It's been almost twenty-four hours since Dan shared his last moments with his best friend.

Now, Dan's sleeping on the floor next to my bed, bundled up in his blanket. He hasn't made a sound nor move since I rolled over to the side of my bed to check on him. Being a gentleman that he is, he refused to sleep next to me but I knew I can't leave him alone in a room with his thoughts. Not without Phil.

I admire how peaceful he looks now that he's in his little dream land. I'd be lying if I say Dan doesn't look like a child while he's sleeping; he looks so innocent, like he doesn't have a care in the world. He even looks like he can sleep for ages.

But, soon after, Dan starts to scrunch his nose before his eyes flutter open, adjusting to the light in seeping into the room. Well, that was short lived.

He takes his time staring blankly at the ceiling before turning his gaze over to where I am, finally noticing me looking at him. He gives me a small but sweet smile and a yawn, "Hey there, young lady."

"Hey yourself," I reply, giggling. "Did you sleep well?"

"Y-Yeah, kinda," Dan replies before turning to his left, "Where's Ph—?"

Then, he stops. I can almost feel his heart drop as the realization hits him. My chest begins to gradually hurt as I lie there, staring at him as his expression changes from calm to sad. His smile slowly fades as he stares at the empty space next to him, as he listens to the silence.

"W-Wanna have breakfast with me?" I ask him before the silence breaks him any further. "I can make us pancakes. Want me to make pancakes for you?"

He refuses to reply for a few seconds as he stares at the empty space next to him, before muttering, "Your pancakes are always burnt. I cook better than you."

I smile, glad to hear some enthusiasm still in him, "Well then help me cook, if you're so good at it."

Dan turns to look at me with a half-smile he is probably just forcing out, "Don't get mad when I prove how much better I am."

Dan and I decide to head to the kitchen, shortly after. This is good. He still has the energy to move around, and even joke about things. I would look at him and still see the awkward British guy I became best friends with, but I can still see Phil with him—hence, intensifying the longing I feel for Phil. But Dan's here, and I have to be here for him.

I already lost Phil and nearly lost Dan, too. I don't know what I'd do if I lose Dan completely.

Upon arriving at the kitchen, we find Nate already inside, eating a bowl of cereal by a counter. He looks up from his meal and sees us, greeting us with a full mouth, "Goof-mornin', guyf."

" 'Goof-mornin' to you, too, sunshine," I mock him as I laugh along with Dan before grabbing bowls for the both of us, "Mind sharing?"

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