Chapter Six

49 4 7

"Alternate Reality"

Day 4 — Sunday

||Nate Smith (NateWantsToBattle)||

The sun shines far too brightly against my eyes as I open them again. I turn around and see no one next to meI should really start to get used to waking up in this bedroom. I honestly nearly panicked when I turned around and didn't see Morgan next to me; a great way to start the day-sarcasm intended.

Moaning about this every chance I get isn't going to get me anywhere, and I know that. Still, can anyone blame me for wishing I can still wake up every morning next to her? It's not like I chose to feel sad about this.

And damn, if Hunter could hear me now, he would smack the back of my head. Not just because I'm being such a baby again, but because it has probably been hours since I woke up and I'm still lying down. My sea of blankets have engulfed me too much, it will be hard to get out of them. My bed is soft against my back, as well—I guess I can understand now why and how Dawn managed to sleep so long on this bed yesterday.

Finally moving from my comatose-like state, I shuffle my hand around the sides around my soft pillow until I finally find my phone. I press the power button to check the time and I was right-I've been lying down for too long. Doesn't matter—I don't have things to attend to anyway, judging by the complete absence of messages, calls or even notifications.

And while I'm at it, I also decide to check my call log. Just as expected, the last call I made was to Morgan. A flashback finds its way into my thoughts, reminding me of how I wept like a lost child last night in the hospital and how I wailed on the phone as I left a voice message for Morgan. Has she listened to my message? I wouldn't know. What's odd, though, is that the duration of the call I made displayed on my phone seems shorter than I remember making it.

I don't have time to dwell on my phone and my calls anymore, though, and nor do I want to do so because I'll probably develop bedsores if I don't leave the bed now. I've already wasted my morning, skipping my routine, not exercising or even eating breakfast-I should start making something out of this day.

I finally drag myself out of bed and head outside of my room. As soon as I open the door and take a step outside, I catch a whiff of something tasty... and probably burning. I brisk walk towards the kitchen where I find Dawn in front of the stove, flipping a pancake that definitely does not look well cooked. She's still wearing the red v-neck shirt I lent her last night, obviously, but it still looks surprisingly clean... well, apart from the pancake batter splashes-I hope those are pancake batter splashes.

"Oh right, you're still here," I say out loud as a greeting, sounding far more annoyed than I intended to and not even bothering to ask where she found pancake mix to cook. "Are you trying to burn my apartment down?"

"Gee, sorry Sleeping Beauty, did my breakfast wake you?" she replies, annoyance clear in her voice as she flips the pancake again before scooping it up and piling it up on top of a stack of other pancakes on a plate next to the stove. "If I'm such a bother to you, I can leave."

"Wait, no, sorry! I didn't mean it like that," I try to reason out while actually feeling guilty. "I just... didn't start my day right."

"Neither did I," she replies as she takes the plate of pancakes, takes out an empty plate and some utensils, takes a plastic bottle of maple syrup that I had no idea I had in the first place from the fridge and walks out of the kitchen, towards the small dining room.

I follow her into the dining room, arms crossed and stomach grumbling. Once there, I find her sitting down on one of the four chairs available before placing the stack of pancakes in front of her and placing the other plate in front of the chair across her.

REWIND: Tampered (Youtube FanFiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt