Chapter Five

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"He's my friend, too"

Day 4 – Sunday

||Dawn Watson (Created At Dusk)||

"The bullet hit Matt's spine" He's alive. He's alive but now he's crippled. Fuck, I don't know how I should feel about this.

My arms are still shaking as I make my way out of the hospital. The late night's evening breeze hits my skin harshly despite the presence of Nate's leather jacket that I have on. My surroundings are surprisingly quiet; I thought people that live in LA would still be awake at this hour. But, although the place is peaceful, my mind is still rushing with questions that I'm afraid will be left unanswered. How the hell did we save Matt and Steph? Is this all even real?

But I can bother myself with those burning questions later. Right now, I need to find Nate. He ran off after we found out about the change in Matt's condition and I'm sure as hell am not going to endure this mindfuck alone. We're the only two people who know what really happened and the only two who were able to go back and change it, even though we have absolutely no clue as to how that was possible.

Soon after strolling for what felt like forever around the hospital's area and walking past closed stores that were all lined up next to each other, I finally spot a small café that is still serving customers. Sitting by one of the tables outside the café is Nate, with a hot cup of coffee in his hand. I hastily brisk walk towards him, but he soon attempts to leave when he sees me.

"Sit your ass down, Smith," I call out as I begin running. "I'm done playing hide and seek with you."

He just sighs as he sits more comfortably on his chair, watching me as I take the seat directly in front of him. He doesn't utter a word to me as I sit here, panting a little. He avoids eye-contact, dragging his drink closer to him as well.

I take a deep breath, "We need to talk about this—"

"We have nothing to talk about," he interrupts me before sipping some of his coffee. "Just leave me alone."

"I didn't run all the way out here to take that kind of bullshit from you, Nathan," I snap at him. "What the hell happened back there with Matt and Steph?"

"How the hell should I know?" Nate snaps back at me as he rubs the tips for his fingers on his drink's paper zarf, still refusing to look at me. "I know just as much as you do, dumbass."

"But we need to find out what happened!" I nearly shout at him. "One moment, Matt's dead and he's alive in the next. I don't know about you but I don't think I can sleep tonight without an explanation—!"

"And you think I'm not just as disturbed by all of this as you are?!" he shouts at me, pounding a fist on the table as he finally looks at me with brown eyes filled with anger. "I told you, I'm just as clueless as you are. Ranting about all of this to me isn't going to give us an explanation! I don't know what happened, damn it, and all this bickering with you isn't helping!"

I stay on my seat, silent as I watch him slowly recompose himself. He takes another sip of his drink and curses under his breath. He murmurs an apology to me that was so quiet, it could have gone unnoticed if the café wasn't so empty. I've only met this person and I'm already on his bad side. His cheeks are red with frustration and his hair was a mess, and the strong breeze wasn't helping. Damn, this man turns red—literally red—so damn quickly.

I begin to pick on the skin on the edges of my fingernails nervously as I try to concentrate and calm down. It's getting a lot colder, as well, so my fingertips are growing numb, "Did... did we travel back in time?"

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