Chapter Three

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"The First Night"

Day 3 – Saturday

||Nate Smith (NateWantsToBattle)||

One bad night can really take a lot from a person, huh? Well, saying that she had a "bad night" is a rude understatement. This girl has been asleep for 10 straight hours—which will add to the headache she'll have when she wakes up—ever since she passed out last night while I was tending to her wound and scratches. She struggled the entire time I was trying to help, probably because she was with a stranger in a strange place after colliding with a truck almost thrice the size of her car. I kept explaining to her, as calmly as I could, that she was safe and that I was trying to help but she probably couldn't understand a word I said. Nonetheless, I'm glad she didn't suffer more than a gash on the head; she can rest all day if she has to.

I, on the other hand, barely slept last night. I slept on the couch in the lounge but I constantly kept checking on her just in case she wakes up. I could have slept in the second bedroom but I'll be able to see her get out of my bedroom better from the lounge if she woke up. I didn't want her to freak out when she finds out she's been sleeping on a stranger's bed. Whenever I wasn't checking up on her, though, I thought about how I was going to explain everything to her. I guess I'll just "YOLO" in.

But as I was in deep thought, my phone rings, making me jump a little. I quickly pick up without checking who it is to keep the room quiet for the girl. "Hello?" I greet as I bring the phone up to my ear.

"Hey dude, did you get your stuff from Morgan's apartment last night?" the other person from the other end of the line asks, "You didn't text me so I thought you might have backed out or forgot."

Hunter. "Shit, sorry, I got a bit pre-occupied last night," I say, sighing, "But yeah, I got all my things here." Which I dragged in after I was done aiding the unconscious girl.

"Oh, good, I thought I had to hold your hand and help you with getting them," Hunter laughs, "But how'd it go?"

"It went fine; had to take a lot of trips to my car so Morgan had to keep her door open for the entire time I was there," I begin to explain, "But she also said that I shouldn't blame myself... I don't think there's a huge chance of us working out..."

"That's tragic but she's right—you shouldn't blame yourself for this," he says, trying to comfort me as best as he could, "Maybe you guys will work out, maybe not. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll feel better. And I guess MatPat's planning to help you out a little? He said he invited you out for dinner with Steph tonight?"

Fuck, he's right. But what about this girl? "Yeah, he did," I answer, "I need a night out."

Hunter chuckles, "Oooh, maybe he can try to hook you up with another girl—?"

Just then, the girl starts to move and shuffle around in bed. In mere seconds, her eyes are open and she also starts to mumble, "What... Wh-Where..?"

"Nate?" Hunter begins to ask, "Nate, who was that? Who's in there with you?"

I gulp, "I'll—uh—call you back later, alright?"


I drop my phone on my seat and quickly rush towards my bed. The girl is, obviously, very confused as to where she is; her green eyes travel along the ceiling, the walls and even my window before she finally sees me looking down at her.

I try to start a calm conversation, "Hey, how are you feeling—?"

The girl then sits straight up and instinctively distances herself from me while clutching the blanket on her. She looks scared and lost, obviously. She's breathing heavily, too, "Who are you? Where am I? H-How did I get here—Ow!" She quickly brings her hands up to the either sides of her temple, massaging them in pain, especially the area around the gash.

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