Chapter Fifteen

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I honestly do not have an excuse for posting a day late again because I forgot it was Monday yesterday. But here it is!

Also, please read the A/N at the end of the chapter :)
And, yes, I do love this song. A bit far from the original meaning but you'll see how I made it fit.



Day 12 – Monday

||Dawn Watson (CreatedAtDusk)||

Pain. Pain is the only feeling I can recognize and, honestly, it's almost making me numb. I try to move my arms but they feel like they weigh a hundred times more than they should. I wiggle my fingers but the motions only send a prickling pain down my entire arm. Don't even get me started with my legs; I almost forgot that I'm already half paralyzed. Above all else, my whole body feels foreign to me—odd and painful.

Though, I shouldn't be feeling pain right now. I shouldn't be feeling anything anymore. I force my eyes open, despite how heavy they feel. It's like trying to wake up during sleep paralysis; you feel like your body is fighting against you. As soon as I adjust to the dim light in my room, I try to look around only to see a new IV attached to my right arm, all bandaged up and secure. The IV itself has been dragged a good few feet away from me. The cabinet next to my bed no longer has my medications, or anything at all, except for my phone.

I sigh and let a little whimper come out with it. That was my chance. My one chance to make sure everyone stays safe in this reality and I failed it. I failed all because a nurse had to check me twice in one night.

I look at the newly attached IV on my arm and I can almost feel the pain of it all again. At that moment, I felt the liquid flowing into my bloodstream thicken as I slowly inserted more medication into the tube with a syringe. My nurse didn't really do a good job at hiding them in the cabinet. All throughout that pain, I could only think of the people I wanted to save—Dan, Phil, MatPat, Felix, Mark, Sean, Hunter, Morgan...everyone...even Nate. I was ready and, at the same time, scared.

But now, I'm just pained—not just because of the medication but also because I might never have another chance to save them.

Though, the silence of the room gets interrupted by the door opening with a loud thud. I glance over to that direction, only to see Nathan panting, staring at me in disbelief. Great. They called him.

Without wasting anytime, Nate runs up to me, shouting in between inhales, "Is...Is it...true?!"

I look away immediately, avoiding his gaze and his question.

"Dawn, is it true?" Nate asks again, impatiently but I ignore him again. Getting an answer from my silence, he shouts louder, "Dawn, what the fuck were you thinking?!"

I heave out a sigh, still refusing to look at him, "I'd appreciate it if you'd stop shouting—"

Suddenly, his hands find their way to my face, forcing me to look at him, "I'd appreciate it if you start explaining why you tried to kill yourself!" Rage fills his face red—something that I've seen before but is now terrifying me more than it should. His lips are trembling, as are his hands against my cheeks. Tears are even forming in his eyes.

I gulp down, hard, but I do not—cannot respond. I'm both scared and humiliated to explain everything to him. I can't expect him to understand. He takes the hint, looks down and sighs while still keeping his hands on me, "Dawn, don't you think we've already lost enough?"

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