In A Heart Beat- Chapter Three

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"How are you feeling?" A short, plump women that I recognized to be a nurse asked me as I blinked awake.

"Wh-a-a-at-t happened? W-where am I?" I stuttered.

"You are a patient in Cherryfield hospital and you must have blacked out because of all that blood you lost in the accident." The nurse responded. "You do remember having the accident don't you?" She question. I sat up quickly, starting to feel my head spin. Of course I remembered the accident.

Ignoring the nurses question I demanded, "Where's mom? Where's Rachel? What about daddy?"

"Your mother and Rachel are both in the room next door. Your sister woke around fifteen minutes ago. I'll go get your mom, I'm sure she wants to see you." She started to turn for the door.

"What about daddy?" I whispered. The nurse slowly turned to face me and answered, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Abigail I think I better bring your mom in here before we get into too many details." She said cautiously. The nurse was hiding something and I knew that it had to be something absolutely terribly or she would've just told me upfront. Right?

I hate secrets; I hate things being hidden from me, it only made me nervous. I've never enjoyed anything like that. Hiding things could only mean bad news. Tears started to well up in my eyes. Where was daddy? Daddy could make anything better. I needed his warm, welcoming hug. I wanted him to walk through that door and say, "Hey Abs, I'm right here everything is going to be okay." The door knob remained untouched. Nobody walked through the door.

I started to remember the great times I spent with daddy. I smiled remembering Last week when we decided to attempt to make cookies. Neither of us were what you might call chefs, but it gave us a good laugh. That was until mom got home and yelled at us about the mess we made of her kitchen.

I snapped right back to reality. Daddy wasn't here. Where was he? I had to find him. I slowly lifted myself out of bed, careful not to drag any of the wires along with me. Slowly putting one foot in front of the other I started for the door. Just my luck, the short nurse barged right through the door.

"Where do you think you're going missy?" She questioned, putting her hands on her hips.

"I am going to find my daddy since you won't bring him here!" I muttered, walking closer to the door.

"Honey, I'm not supposed to let you see him, but he is asking to see you so here, I'll take you to his room." The nurse offered. We walked swiftly down the long, white hallways. The nurse opened a door gesturing for me to enter. She nodded and I mouthed the words 'thank you' I slowly walked forward, the door shutting behind me. He shifted a little.

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"Dad-d-dy?" I stuttered.

"Hey Abs." He responded weakly. I ran over to his bed wrapping my arms tightly around him. He groaned in pain.

"Oh daddy! What's going to happen to you?" I cried. Tears started to stream down my face, forming a small pool on the sheets that covered Dad's dying body.

"Sweetie, I am in very bad condition, I lost a lot of blood." He started to say.

I cut him off. "But you're going to be okay right? I lost a lot of blood and I am going to be okay." I wept.

"Abs... Honey, no I am not going to be okay. I lost a lot more blood than you and your sister. The nurses say I have a very limited time left." He whispered, squeezing my hand. A single tear trickled down his cheek and hit my palm.

"What? No! This can't happen! Not to you! Daddy! No!" I sobbed, going numb with the thought of living without daddy. He wiped a tear that started to form under my eye.

"Abigail I love you with all my heart, but I have no say in whether or not I am to live or die. The doctors did what they can." He whispered pulling me in close to give me one last hug. I kissed his forehead lightly.

"Daddy, I love you." I whimpered. He kissed me on the cheek softly.

"I know Abs, I know and I..." He stopped. Startled I shot upright.

"Daddy... Daddy... Daddy." There was no response. "Daddy! Don't go! You can't leave me. Daddy." But there was again just cold, painful silence. I grabbed his right hand to hold it close to my heart, but a small folded up piece of paper fell out. I slowly unfolded it;


I know that now when you are reading this I must already be gone. Honey, I love you more than anything and you know that. But Daddy had to go. I was in a lot of pain which you saw and this is what is best for both me and you. Babygirl, you must stay strong for your sister and little brothers. I know things are going to get really tough without me there by your side guiding you, but remember I will always be watching over on you. Honey, you are a very strong and smart young lady and I know you will go far in life. I wish I could be there with you. Remember, if you ever need anything mommy is still there for you. I love you Abigail and don't you ever forget that! I am going to miss your smile and all of your hugs, but I know that someday I will be able to hug you again. I'll always be here watching you, protecting you. This is going to be very hard on mommy too, so be a good girl. I will always love you. Please don't cry. Things will get better, I promise. I love you. 


Daddy <3

I just sat there holding the note, now sobbing uncontrollably. "That made the top five daddy." I whispered. "I love you too daddy." I sobbed, hugging his lifeless body one last time, still clinging to his note, "I love you too." 


How'd you think the letter to Abigail from her dad was? I did my best to make it sound real! Comment? Vote? 


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