Picking Up The Pieces- Chapter Two

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Dedicated to EllieLauren who is also my best friend and helped me get through my heartbreak. Love ya girly! And thank you!<3


I reached my hand into my shorts pocket removing the key to my room. I sighed as I slowly opened the door to the dark room in front of me. This was going to be home for the next seven days I might as well make myself comfortable. I flicked the switch to my cabin revealing one tiny bed, a rectangular bed side table, a small black television and a bathroom the size of a small closet.

I was an only child which meant I had nobody that I had to share my room with. My parent's cabin was just across the wall giving me more then enough privacy. The don't even give a crap what I do most of the time as long as I'm not spending their money. I threw my duffle bag onto my bed and shoved my tiny suitcase into my closet. I had decided that unpacking could wait unti I lost cell service. Flopping down on my bed I quickly sent my best friend, Mallory a text.

'I am going to die' I clicked the send button, and began to stare at the sealing waiting for her reply. My guess is I am going to spend countless hours staring at this sealing to I better get used to it.

My phone buzzed, indicating my friend has responded. 'Hun u r gonna b absolutely fine! I've known you since preschool! Remember??'

I quickly sent her a reply, wondering how much longer I'd have with my phone. 'Yeah? So what? I'm still gonna die here!!'

Seconds later she responded, 'Girly what I meant was I've known u for long enough to know that u r so flippin strong and you'll b able to get through this without me there with u'

I snorted as I typed my response, 'Ha! That's actually really funny! Thanks for the laugh!'

It took her longer to respond this time but when her text arrived it read, "Del u don't have to listen to me but u and I both know deep down that u r a very strong girl! I've been best friends with u for as long as I can remember and it's basically my job to know these things about u! Oh and one more thing! YOU'RE ON VACATION STUPID! ENJOY IT!:P'

I knew she was right about the part that I should be enjoying myself but the part about me being a strong person, that's not something I believed. Just to make her happy I sent her back, 'You're right Mal! I need to enjoy myself... It'll b hard but I'll manage' Ha! Yeah right! I thought to myself.

As if she'd been staring at her phone waiting for my text to come through my phone lit up, or I thought it was Mallory. I picked up my IPhone quickly recognizing the name that plastered itself across the screen, Tony. A knot grew in my throat as I read the message aloud to myself. 'Mallory I didn't mean what I said the other day! Beautiful, please take me back... I miss you...'

I let out a wail and threw my face into my pink, fuzzy, pig pillow pet. How could he be doing this to me? He broke my heart and he obviously had a good reason for it! How could I ever trust him with my heart after something like that? How could he ever imagine that I would take him back just because of a stupid text message?

With little thought I answered him, 'Uk u must b crazy if u think I would EVER take u back after what u did ESPECIALLY bc u tried to get my back with a flippin text message!' I smacked the send button and threw my phone at the end of my bed just as it lit up with a message from Mallory. Tears streaming down my face I picked up my phone.

'Good cuz I'm about out of things to say to cheer u up lol' My eyes still filled with tears I thought of what I should say, if I should tell her about Tony's text. I decided that I needed to tell her or she'd kill me when I got back.

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