In A Heart Beat- Chapter Seven

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Dedicated to Cold_lady19 because she is by far my favorite author on wattpad and I love all of her work. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter:) Let me know what you think.


'Abigail breathe, breathe Abigail. Abigail stop being an idiot and take a breath before you pass out in front of everyone in the dang hall' my brain yelled at me. It was finally the last period of the day, which meant that I had English... with Jake... right now. 'Breathe! C'mon it's just a boy Abigail!' I was started to feel light headed as I practically tumbled through the doorway to Mr. Green's classroom. I plopped myself down into my seat. Sigh to myself because Jason hadn't yet gotten to class. I became flustered as the memory of this morning rushed through my head. His green eyes... perfect smile... sensitivity... concern. 'Breathe!' I began to gather my English materials from my backpack, one at a time. Trying to carefully avoid eye contact with anyone. The floor suddenly become very interesting as a certain pair of red and black sneakers started to inch closer and closer to my desk. Crap, he's definitely not stopping at his desk. He's definitely right there. Next to me. As I stare at the floor tiles like an idiot.

"I agree the floor tiles are pretty dang interesting" Jake chuckled.

Great I just made myself look ridiculous. Immediately, my gaze rose to meet his, which instantly pulled me back into my endless fantasy. Something that could've possibly sounded like "hey" stuttered out of my mouth and my cheeks instantly were flushing a deep shade of red. "I didn't see you walk in."

"Because the floor tiles were taking up all of your attention?" he teased, jabbing at my arm lightly.

I laughed, "Yup, sure, that's totally what it was."

"Ladies, gentlemen, please take your seats as class is about to begin." As if Mr. Green could see the future the bell signaling the start of eighth period echoed through the hallways and in the classroom.

"I'll wait for you after class." Jake whispered into my ear, his lips skimming my earlobe for only me to hear. Blushing a deep shade of red, the corner of my mouth turned up slightly. I nodded in approval.

"Okay" I giggled, giving his arm a small nudge. "Sit down before you get us both in trouble!" In surrender he slid into his desk, across from my own, and got out his English binder, but not before he turned around to give me one last smile. He didn't turn away fast enough, because I soon found myself once again losing myself in his eyes. Those emerald green eyes. Time around us seemed to have come to a halt, leaving only him and I here together for eternity. He gave me a small wink and turned to face the whiteboard in front where Mr. Green was slowly sprawling out today's lesson plan. 


Class had seemed to go by within the blink of an eye and before I knew it I found Jake beside me, grinning widely. "Ready to go?"

"Umm yeah sure just let me get my thing out of my locker. I'll meet you out front by the bus loop."

"Nah that's okay I'll come with you. Maybe we can examine some more floor tiles on the way" he teased.

"Ha ha very funny!" I mocked.

"C'mon let's go already!" Jake whined, gently grabbing my wrist causing an electric shot to shoot up my arm. I suddenly felt light headed and I could feel myself growing pale. "Ab? You okay? You look sorta pale."

I grabbed my book off my desk and trotted towards the doorway "Yup! Never better!" I lied. Wow I sure do a great job of making a fool of myself. I felt is soft grip around my wrist slowly shift towards my waist. His gaze shifted from my eyes to the floor tiles as mine had.

"So where's you locker?"

"Just around the corner, it's not too far from here. You really don't need to come with me I can make it there myself. I'll meet y-" He stopped me mid sentence, forbidding me to say anything more.

"Hey, I said I wanted to come didn't I?"

"Yeah, but I'm just saying you don't have to." I mumble under my breath. We came to an abrupt stop as those few words retreated from my lips.

"But I want to." he whispered, tightening his grip around my waist, causing my heart to beat so fast that you'd swear I had just run a marathon. "Gotta protect you from those bitches now don't I?" he purred in my ear, causing my ear to flame a burning red, sending a tingle up my spine. My neck spun to face him, but I had forgotten how close his face as already to mine. My nose barely brushed his as our eyes locked together. From this close I could see that his emerald eyes  are just as beautiful up close as they are from afar. Dropping his arm from my waist he turned to watch the wall. We started to slowly walk down the hallway once again.

"You barely even know me." I whispered cautiously so only he could hear. I could sense his body tensing beside my own, his fists clenching at his sides.

"Then tell me about you." he whispered through his teeth. I stopped and turned to face the blue lockers, spinning my combination lock to reveal the inside to my locker.

"There really isn't that much to tell."

"I don't believe you." he chucked, taking my physics book from my grip and placing it the bottom of my locker.

"Well you should." I grunted slamming the door shut and started for the main entrance. I could feel myself separating from him but I really didn't care. I knew I'd have to tell him about daddy at some point but I wasn't yet ready to take such a big step.

"Why were you crying?" I came to a screeching halt in front of the silver doors that would separate me from all my problems, or so I believed. "I want to help you." he whispered, jogging down the hall to catch up to me. "I know you said that it was all because of those girls, but I don't believe you. There's something more to this that you aren't telling me." I couldn't take the pain anymore I had to get away from him. I had to get home to my bedroom and cry all of my problems away.

"It was nothing." I choked out, trying my hardest to contain my tears. "Well I mean if course it was something but it's not important." I laughed letting a single tear run down my cheek. His cool hand reached up towards my face and turned my cheek to face his. By this time we had made it as far as the sidewalk to school.

"Anything that makes you cry is definitely important." he whispered, whipping away the tear from my cheek with his clammy thumb. "You are important" he cooed, pulling me close to his chest and wrapping his bulky arms around my shoulders. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but just know that I am never ever leaving. I may have only met you this morning but you're cool Abigail and I don't just let cool people grow away from me." he teased, pulling away and wrapping his arm around my waist once again. He placed me down next to him on the pavement and we stayed like that for a few moments until my eyes instinctively rose to meet his. I thought I could sense longing in his eyes but it could have only been my imagination, right?

"Thank you Jake" I smiled and we once again began our short trek back home.


Hey guys! It had been like soooo long since I updated this book, so I tried extra hard to make this chapter special! How'd I do? I know it's not too long but I tried to get this up relatively fast. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and hopefully I'll be able to update more frequently and add longer chapters now!:) Let me know what you guys think! Don't forget to vote comment, follow, and all that stuff! Thanks!


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