In A Heart Beat- Chapter Six

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Walks to school are always filled with silence. Most of the girls my age would be catching rides to school with older guys or simply riding the bus, but because of how 'close' my house is to the high school, and my lack of friends I am forced to walk. I don't mind walking except in the winter when I swear my fingers might actually freeze solid and crumble to the pavement.

Today is warmer then usual and I can walk to school in my favorite pair of Vans and lime green shorts with studded pockets without practically running to escape the freezing temperatures.

My eyes started to burn as I slowly approached the school. I bit my lip trying desperately to hold back my tears. I twitched my head to the right as a pink, Camaro convertible began to slow down beside me. Crap.

"Hey, Ugly where'd you get that puke shirt? Does your mother still dress that ugly ass of yours?" the girl driving the car of any girls dreams snickered.

"Leave me alone, Lisa" I warned, quickly increasing my strides.

"What? Is the pathetic little baby gonna go cry to her mommy?" Lisa sneered. I bit my lip, and ignored her comment.

"Hey, Abigail nice stain you got there on your ugly shirt!" the girl sitting adjacent to Lisa shouted.

I looked down examining my shirt. "What? My shirt doesn't-" I stopped and peered up at Lisa and her sidekick.

"Guess the bitch doesn't see that embarrassing stain. Thereasa, why don't you make it more noticable?" Lisa said slyly.

I screamed and fell backward on my butt as a big black paint ball was shot in my direction. Tears started to well up in my eyes, threatening to let go. I heard the screeching of tires and the giggling of the girls as they sped off in the opposite direction. I couldn't take it any longer, tears started to stream down my face and I sprang up on my feet and sprinted faster and faster in the direction of the living hell, my high school. I made a plan to dash through the front doors and quickly slip into the girls bathroom next to the main office. Nobody ever used that bathroom, so I should be safe from any predators.

I quickly rounded the corner to my school and sat down for a brief second, to hopefully stop the tears from coming and to catch my breath which was now short and choppy. It as no use, there was no way to stop the tears. Not only did those girls crush my self-esteem but I could feel a deep bruise forming from where I was shot with the paintball.

I let my head hit the soft, green grass as I fell back, placing my hands over my face and wept. I lye there for what seemed like an eternity, but in reality it was probably only a few minutes. I slowly began to sit up as I heard a rustle of footsteps inching closer to me. I groaned thinking it was probably just another counselor striving to help solve my issues. There was no point in trying to solve my issues because my whole life was one big problem. Why did they even try? I was just a hopeless case. I sat upright placing my elbows in my knees, and let my head rest in the palms of my hands. I opened my eyes and peered through my fingers, wondering why nobody had yelled for me to get my butt in their office. I waited for another moment, eyes wide open. A pair of black and red sneakers stopped in there track, right in front of where I sat. There weren't any guy counselors in my school, let alone any staff that wore sneakers to school. Confused, I lifted my head and my eyes instantly met the boy's in front of me. As our eyes locked I noticed the deep green of his eyes, emerald green I decided. For those five seconds it felt like time just stopped in its place and we were the only two people on earth.

A smile stretched across the boys face as he said, "Hey, I'm Jake."

"Abigail" I stated. I felt a cool chill brush across my face and my shoulders twitched as I shivered.

Worried, the boy whispered, "I saw you crying. Why?"  

My face fell. "It was Lisa and Thereasa, they hit me in the stomach with a paintball."The boy quickly lowered to his knees, his gaze, once again meeting mine. I could see a sign of worry in his piercing, emerald green eyes. I quickly spit out, "But, I'm okay now, don't worry about me."

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" I could still make out the sign of worry and question in his eyes.

"Positive. I mean I am used to it." I snorted. His mouth started to open and I could tell that I was about to face the question of what I meant by that, the question I never liked to answer. Before he could ask I cut him off, "So, you just switched into my English class, right?"

"Um, yeah I just moved here last weekend, but wait what-"

"We should probably get to class, first period has probably already started." I could see the look of surrender on his face and thought to myself, "mission accomplished."

He smiled one of those adorable half smiles."Yeah, wouldn't want to be late to Trig. That would be a bummer." he said sarcastically.

"Oh yeah, real bummer!" I giggled. Wait. I did not just laugh. I don't even remember the last time  I have even smiled, let alone laughed. This cannot be happening, Jake, a boy I just met just made me smile and laugh! Without anymore thought I blurted out, "Do you want to come over later?" I blushed and let a piece of hair cover my eyes.

He reached forward lifting my chin up, tucking a chunk of hair behind my ear, "I'd love to. Why don't I walk you home?"

Grinning, I bit my lip and looked him straight in his beautiful eyes, "I'd like that" We stayed like that for a moment, just studying each other's every feature.

"C'mon let's get to class." I broke my gaze from him and looked straight at the front doors of the school, smiling. I was actually smiling. Silently we made are way to the front doors of high school.

"By the way, nice sneakers." I whispered locking eyes with him, once again and then slowly jogged through the front doors to Physics, smiling the whole way.


Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long since I last updated, Iv'e been real busy lately, but here the next chapter! Comments? Votes? Thanks a ton! I really appreciate all the comments so let me know what you guys think!


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