Chapter 4

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<Annie's pov>
Brennan got a text from Liv that I read over his shoulder. 'Come to the park at 4:00 or this picture goes everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE. Fail to show up, and there will be a completely different story from my part. See you at 4 Brennan' it read. "Brennan" I said. "Annie I have to, I can't risk it" I look at the clock and see its 3:38 and the park is about an 15 minute walk. "Please be careful, I love you" "I will I promise. I'll FaceTime you the whole time. I love you" he says walking out. I follow him outside and start to walk home. I turn around and see him blow a kiss at me. I blow one back and smile and start walking home again. I get a FaceTime call from him and I answer. "Hey babe" he says, as I smile. "There's that beautiful smile!" he almost screams. "Brennan! Shhh! Be quiet!" I laugh. We talk until he reaches the park, I then put myself on mute but I can still hear and see everything that's going on. "Hey brenny-boo" I hear Liv say.
<Brennan's pov>
"Please don't call me that, I don't like you like that." I say. "Watch it Brennan, I still have that picture and a fake story." she scolds. I look down and wait for the lecture. Then she breaks down crying out of nowhere. "Woah, what's wrong?" I ask, kneeling down next to her. I lean down to see how bad she's crying, but instead she grabs my face and kisses me. I try to pull away but she won't let go. I hear another *click* from a camera then she pulls away. "Thanks Brennan, I hope you and Annie are very happy together" she says. Then she whispers something under her breath that sounded like, 'not for long' I take out my phone to see that Annie hung up, crap.
<Annie's pov>
I saw him kiss Liv and I couldn't take it anymore. I hung up. He didn't even pull away! And of course, Caleb already knows about us but he doesn't know about the kiss. I decide to go to him anyway. I go into his room and find him actually looking at the picture of me and Brennan at that moment. "Um, Annie? What the heck is this?!" he asks. "Caleb, I'm so sorry. I didn't know that Liv took that picture and I just-" "Hey hey, I it's fine. Are you okay?" he says, looking me in the eyes. "He kissed Liv. I don't know if it was real or not but it hurts" I say. "Hey it's fine, I'm here" Caleb says calmly. "I hope it was just forced because I really love him Caleb" "I know, I know" he rubs my back. Then there's a knock on the door. I own the door to find Liv.
<Caleb's pov>
Annie opened the door to reveal Liv and I stepped in front of her as defense. "What do you want?" I asked. "To end this. Look, Brennan can be yours on your own time but he's mine to the public. If you disagree, you'll never have him again. I hope you two have fun" she said turning away. "Liv, what happened to you? I actually liked you until this happened" I said. "Really?" she asked with wide eyes and a hopeful smile. "Nope!" I said closing the door. Annie laughed and gave me a highfive. These are the days I love having her around.
<Annie's pov>
I got a text from Brennan after laughing with Caleb. 'Hey, you okay? Please believe me, she grabbed me, I never kissed her. Meet me in front of your house at 5:30, wear something nice. See you there, I love you' it read. "Caleb, I think I'm going on a date with Brennan tonight. Will you be around in case I need you?" I ask him. "I'll always be here for you" he smiles. I give him a hug and go upstairs to get ready. I put on a white flowy dress with white sandals. My makeup is just a natural look and my hair is curled with a flower crown. I check everything and grab my purse to head outside. I see Brennan standing in front of his car wearing a suit and holding a bouquet of white and pink flowers. I smiled and kissed his cheek. He opened my door before getting in on the other side. He drives for a while in silence to god knows where until I break the silence. "Look Brennan, I believe you. I know how Liv can be" he smiled and replied with "oh thank god. I thought you would be mad at me. I honestly wasn't sure if you were coming tonight" I looked down and smiled. He turns on the music and I take out my phone. As he's singing along, I start recording. I post it on Instagram with the caption: 'this is what happens during car rides with Brennan🚗🎤' I see so many comments pop up immediately. Most are the usual like 'I love you Annie!' Or 'please follow me!'. But there are a few that stick out at me like 'you don't deserve him' and 'stop stealing Liv's boyfriend' my smile disappears and tears form in my eyes. I sniffle which causes Brennan to look over at me. "Hey what's wrong?" he asks concerned. "Just some hate, I'm good" I say trying to put on a fake smile. It doesn't work and before I know it, tears are streaming down my face. "You know what..." Brennan says turning the car around. "We're not going to dinner, we're going somewhere where we can talk. I need to set something straight" he says. We drive in science for 10 more minutes before pulling up to the beach. "Brennan I-" I say, staring at the sunset. He grabs my hand, just like old times, and leads me to the beach. When we almost reach the water, he stops and faces me, as do I. He tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear and stares into my eyes. We tilt our heads and lean in. Before I know it I feel sparks fly as our lips connect. We pull away and our foreheads rest on each other's. "I love you Julianna Grace" he smiles. "I love you too Brennan" I smile back. "I need to tell you something. I knew you've been getting a lot of hate recently telling you you're not good enough for me. And they have no idea what they're talking about because you're amazing. You are the most perfect human being ever and I love you. Thank you for always standing by me and I promise Liv will never get in the way of us. If anything, I don't deserve you. You're amazing, I love you" he says. I start to tear up and all I can do is mumble "I love you so much Brennan" and hug him. Then I turn around to see something that makes me gasp.When I look over Brennan's shoulder, I see a candle lit picnic with mini sandwiches and a speaker. He presses play on a remote and 'They don't know about us' by one direction came on. "I picked this song just for us, I thought it could be our song" he smiled at the ground. "I love it" I said smiling. He grabbed my waist and my arms wrapped around his neck. We danced to the whole song and just smiled. We sat down when the song was over and started to eat. "Brennan, what is this all for?" I asked. "Because I love you and you need to relax" he says kissing my cheek. "Here" he says handing me a bag. I look inside to find a light pink bikini. My eyes widen and I gasp. "Brennan! Oh my gosh thank you!" I said. "Go put it on, there are bathrooms over there" he smiles and points to bathrooms. I run there and put on my bathing suit.
<Brennan's pov>
Annie walks out and she looks gorgeous. I already have my bathing suit on so when she comes out I pick her up bridal style and carry her towards the water. Once she realized what I'm going to do, she laughs and screams. "BRENNAN DONT!" she yells as I throw her into the ocean water. "Ah help!" she screams. "Annie!" I scream and dive in after her. "I grab her and carry her out of the water. I place her down on the blanket and see that she's not breathing. No! What have I done?! The only thing I can think of is mouth to mouth. I do it once and she sits up like nothing happened. I have a confused look in my face. "What?" I asked so confused as Annie dries herself off with a towel. "What was that?" I say. "An excuse to be carried, to scare you a little, and a free kiss" she smirks. "You scared me half to death Annie! Plus, all you had to do was ask!" I half laugh. "Yeah, but this way was more fun" she laughs. Man I fell hard for this girl.

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