Chapter 10

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Mommy's pov
I look on Instagram, even though I usually don't, and see a picture of Brennan and Annie holding hands. I brushed it off because I know how close of friends they are. Then, I see the hashtag #brannie trending. As I'm looking through the posts, there is a video of them kissing. My heart almost stops. I have to watch it again to make sure it's actually them. My little Annie would do this to me? I never really pictured them together, I know this will ruin their friendship if the break up. I try to brush it off but when I turn on the tv, my eyes go wide. It was a news story on Brennan and Annie. Brennan confessed his love to Annie on tv. As adorable as that is, I'm so angry with Annie for going behind my back. I slam the remote onto the counter and put my head in my hands. I sigh before picking up my phone to text Annie. 'Come home, NOW' I send. I don't know where she is but she surely isn't home. My phone buzzes with a text from Annie. 'Um, okay. I'm on my way' it reads. I sit back in my chair, my arms crossed. Why did Annie do this?
Annie's pov
I was out on a date with Brennan, watching a movie when I got a text from Mommy. It reads, 'Come home, NOW' I read it again, very confused. I tapped Brennan's arm and whispered into his ear. "Babe, I have to go. My mom is mad for some reason. Could you drive me home?" "Sure, let's go" he replies, grabbing my hand. As we get in the car, I realize the things my mom could've found out. What if she found out about my relationship with Brennan? "Uh, Brennan?" I ask, concern filling my voice. "Yeah babe?" he replies, eyes still on the road but I can tell his attention is on me. "What if my mom found out about us?" I almost whisper. The smile he had on his face disappears. "Crap" he whispers. "But she couldn't have, she's never on Instagram and Caleb said he'd cover for us with the tv story" he continued. "Caleb is a Luke's..." I trail off. "Oh no...." we both say. "Brennan I'm nervous, she might make us break up! I can't loose you!" I cry. "And you won't have to. If she makes us break up, we'll just keep our relationship private again, we can work this out" he says, taking my hand in his. I take a deep breath, nodding. As we pull into the driveway, my breaths come short and quick. Brennan squeezes my hand. As he looks into my eyes, he says, "It'll be okay" he smiles. I smile back at him and nod. We walk into the door and my mom is standing there, arms across her chest. "I need to talk to Annie alone please" she says to Brennan. "Okay. By any chance, is Caleb home yet?" he asks hesitantly. "He just got home, he's in his room" Mommy says with no expression. "Thanks" Brennan fake smiles. As soon as he's out of the room, Mommy holds up her phone, revealing a picture of Brennan and I kissing. "What is this? Did you think I wouldn't find out?" she yells. "Mom, I'm sorry. We didn't want anyone to find out due to hate and-" she cuts me off. "And you couldn't have told me? I'm your mother! I'm not upset that you're dating him because he is a very sweet boy but I am very mad that you went behind my back Julianna Grace!" Oh geez, the full name. That's never good. "I'm so sorry! Please, I love him. Don't make me let him go" I start to cry. "I don't know Annie. I'll think about it but until then, you're grounded. No tv, no computer, and you stay in your room until you're done school. Got it?" she says, her finger inches from my face. "Yes mom" I say barley above a whisper. "Good" she says. I walk down to Caleb's room to find him and Brennan playing mine craft. I half smile when they look up at me. Brennan stands up immediately when he sees me. "How'd it go?" he asks placing his warm hands on my arms. Thank goodness, I'm freezing. He rubs his hands up and down my arms as I reply. "She said she'll think about if she's making us break up or not. I'm grounded until then. I'm still going to see you, I love you" "I love you too Julianna Grace" he smiles. His hands move to my cheeks and both of our heads tilt in opposite directions. It feels like forever until our lips touch but when they finally do, sparks fly everywhere. My hands go around his neck as his wrap around my waist. This kiss goes for about a minute until Caleb clears his throat. I completely forgot he was here. We pull apart I look down embarrassed. "Sorry dude" Brennan says. I giggle a little, and soon the boys join in. "I know how much you guys love each other" Caleb smiles. I'm smiling like a fool and he gives me a hug. "You've grown up so much my little Annie. I love you" he says, kissing my forehead sweetly. "Love you too Caleb" I smile at him. He turns to Brennan. "And you, I love you bro but I swear, if you break her heart, you'll get a huge buckle sandwich. She's my sister" he says seriously. Brennan chuckles until he realizes that Caleb is serious. He then clears his throat and responds, "Don't worry, I love her more that anything. She's safe with me" he smiles, looking me in the eyes. I blush and look down, smiling like crazy. "I guess I'll leave you two alone. You need to talk about some things" Caleb laughs.
Caleb's pov
I walk out of MY room, wondering why I didn't just tell them to leave instead of me leaving. Oh well, I guess I'll go watch tv. As I sit one the couch, eyes glued to the tv, I start to think about Katie. I haven't told anyone but we had our first kiss today. I wasn't really at Luke's house, I was with Katie. We went to the movies and sat in the back and we kissed. It was amazing, we didn't even watch any of the movie. But it was the best day of my life. I'd love to have a relationship like Brennan and Annie, it's so exciting. I know they'd die for a quiet relationship but I think it's amazing how they've stayed together through all of this. Ugh I just hope they don't break up and end up hating each other. But they're not like that at all. You can tell when you see how they look at each other that they love each other. They're just adorable. Not even Liv can tear them apart. Just then, right on cue, like always, the doorbell rings revealing Liv. I open the door. "Ugh what do you want Liv?" I grunt. "I came to apologize" she says looking down. "Oh, well they're downstairs, in my room" I say, opening the door to let her in. She thanks me and walks downstairs.
I stand outside my door just to make sure she doesn't do anything bad.
Brennan's pov
Liv walks in on Annie and I laughing and we immediately stop. "Who let you in?" I ask. "Um, Caleb did. I came here to say I'm sorry. All of those things I did were wrong. I'm so sorry, I hope we can be friends" she smiles. "Um, okay. I guess we can" Annie replies. "Thanks Annie, love you" Liv says, hugging Annie. I feel like something is up but I brush it off. She turns to me, arms open. "Brennan? Are we cool?" she asks. "Uh, yeah we're good Liv" I go to hug her but instead her lips attach to mine. I try to pull away but she must be working out because she's too strong. It must look like I'm kissing back so I open my eyes wide and move around as much as possible. I'm pretty sure it didn't phase Annie since Liv has done stuff like this before but when I look at her, her eyes are filled with tears and she runs out of the room. Crap.
Thanks for all of the sweet comments, ily all<3

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